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- Vila-seca, Catalonia, Spain. June 17-20, 2025
The ATLAS Annual Conference 2025 is taking place from 17 to 20 June 2025 in Vila-seca, Catalonia, organised by the ATLAS Association for Tourism and Leisure Education and Research. The theme of the event of this year is Tourist destinations … Continue reading →
- Launch of new book: Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience
The CREATOUR Observatory delivered the new interesting book Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience. The book draws upon the international conference, “Creative Tourism, Regenerative Development, and Destination Resilience”, which was held 8 to 10 November 2022 in the Azores, … Continue reading →
Topic: EU projects

Stefan Rohde-Enslin from the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (SPK) will present PREFORMA at EuroMed 2016 in Cyprus. The presentation will be part of the panel “Reusing Digital Cultural Heritage: Boosting Education, Audience Engagement, Business Creation” organised by the Europeana Space project on 31 October 2016 and involving the most notable EU projects and initiatives dealing with digitised cultural heritage. Continue reading

The PREFORMA project has been invited by the Smart Specialisation Platform of the European Commission to participate as an expert in their next S3 event on Smart Specialisation and Cultural Heritage that will be held in Rome on 25 November 2016. The workshop will be devoted to innovation in the field of Cultural Heritage and the main objective is to present effective ways to manage pre-commercial public procurement in this field. Continue reading

The University of Padova hosts the kick-off meeting of a new Pre-Commercial Procurement project co-funded by the European Commission, under its FP7-ICT Programme. The main objective of PREFORMA is to give memory institutions full control of the process of the conformity tests of files to be ingested into archives. Continue reading

DCH-RP and SCAPE started to discuss possible synergies and cooperation strategies to find concrete actions to be performed together to promote a common infrastructure for the digital preservation of cultural data Continue reading

Organised by CODATA-Germany, the German National Committee on Data for Science and Technology of the International Council for Science, the DCH2017 International Conference will take place in Berlin, at the National Library, on August 30 – September 01, 2017. The conference focuses on providing key messages relating to the impact of new technologies and processes on cultural heritage. Continue reading

The AIUCD (Associazione Italiana per l’Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) annual conference, devoted to any aspect of the digital humanities, was held in Padua on 11-12 December 2013. Continue reading

EUDAT is embarking on its third year with an even stronger focus on communities, services (both existing and new), training and collaboration. Continue reading

Following the successful workshops organised in Stockholm, Berlin and Padua, the PREFORMA project invites all the members of the digital preservation community to attend the PREFORMA International Conference – Shaping our future memory standards, which will be held in Tallinn … Continue reading

The PREFORMA project and MediaArea are pleased to announce initial details for a 2nd No Time to Wait symposium, hosted by the Österreichisches Filmmuseum – Austrian Film Museum. Members of audiovisual archiving, digital preservation, open media development, and open format standardization communities as well as curious onlookers are welcome to attend, discuss, and present on subjects pertaining to the intersection of open media, standardization, and audiovisual preservation. Continue reading

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects to promote and support technological and scientific collaboration across different e-Infrastructures established and operated in various continents, in order to define a path towards a global e-Infrastructure ecosystem. Continue reading