Topic: EU projects

Meet WEAVE Team: ThinkCode

ThinkCode is a start-up company which designs and develops custom intelligent solutions and high-end software products by adopting and applying cutting-edge technology in the area of Artificial Intelligence into real- word applications. Consisting of people with strong research and industrial … Continue reading

Meeting with local tour guides, Vjosa valley, Albania

text and images by Egla Serjani, CeRPHAAL At the core of the INCULTUM project are local communities and stakeholders, as the main protagonist, able to improve cultural tourism in the chosen Pilot areas. In the Upper Vjosa valley, amongst the … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: TopFoto

all images courtesy of Topham Partners LLP (TopFoto) – UK Founded in London in 1927, TopFoto is a rich resource for the world’s political and social history of the 20th century, illustrating the events, cultures and public figures that … Continue reading

Advanced Spatio-Temporal analysis, doctoral course

In the framework of INCULTUM project, the Uppsala University team in collaboration with Copenhagen Business School is organizing a doctoral course to run in April, May and September 2022. The course is taking place partly online and partly in hybrid … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: meeting with stakeholders in Sweden

text and images courtesy of dr. Sabine Gebert Persson, Associatate professor Uppsala University On April 4, 2022 a total of 18 individuals representing different stakeholders gathered in Torsö (Sweden) to listen to and discuss data collected during the summer of … Continue reading

Newly released RURITAGE “Travelling Voices” book

  INCULTUM and RURITAGE projects have in common a keen focus on empowering marginal and rural areas in the promotion of their cultural and natural heritage, which not only needs to be safeguarded but also leveraged for communities-driven sustainable development. … Continue reading

INCULTUM discovers Algarve and Campina de Faro

End of March 2022, INCULTUM partners Promoter and University of Algarve met to discuss about the work ongoing in the Pilot 2 Agrarian coastal plain: Campina de Faro. Campina de Faro is part of the coastal plain of the Algarve, … Continue reading

WEAVE Team joins celebration of the International Romani day

>>> international Romani Studies Network (iRSN), Press release, 8th April 2022 >>> On the 8th April each year, we, the Romani and Traveller people, celebrate the First World Romani Congress taking place in 1971, in Orpington (near London), when Romani … Continue reading

Local school students visiting the newly opened museum exhibition in the city of Përmet

text and images by Egla Serjani, CeRPHAAL On April 7, 2022, the newly opened display room of archaeological artefact in the museum of Përmet, welcomed its first visitors. They were local school students who had the opportunity to experience a … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: CRDI Ajuntament de Girona

all images courtesy of CRDI CRDI, the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion in Girona, owns a large Image Archive that holds a wealth of materials reflecting different aspects of daily life in Girona and its rich cultural heritage. It … Continue reading