Topic: EU projects

Launching the INCULTUM Pilot in San Pellegrino in Alpe (Tuscany)

One of the Pilots of the INCULTUM project, aiming and empowering sustainable cultural tourism in peripheral areas with communities engagement, is coordinated by the University of Pisa and is set in the beautiful landscape of the Garfagnana in Tuscany. San … Continue reading

INCULTUM and Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea join forces

The aim of the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea project is to demonstrate the potential of Data Analytics for tourism development in the area of Black Sea. To achieve this, pilot services will be tested and the dialogue with … Continue reading


On a regular schedule, the WEAVE team publishes a blog post which features a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This blog item presents partner ERIAC European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture e.V.. WEAVE aims to connects various communities at … Continue reading


On a regular schedule, the WEAVE team publishes a blog post which features a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This second blog item presents partner PHOTOCONSORTIUM – International Consortium for Photographic Heritage, based in Italy. PHOTOCONSORTIUM is a non for … Continue reading

Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea

Tourism is increasingly popular at the Black Sea, while the challenges affecting the sustainability of the sector (environmental pressures, peak visits in limited areas, poor overall visibility, etc.) are rising at the same rate. Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea … Continue reading

INCULTUM in Sicily

On the 6th of July 2021, INCULTUM partners Promoter and GAL Elimos met to discuss about the work ongoing in the Pilot 4 Sicilian inland: Monti di Trapani. Scope of the Pilot is to valorise the territory and the rural … Continue reading

Horizon Europe Work Programmes approved by the EC

The first Horizon Europe Work Programmes for the period 2021-2022 were approved by the European Commission and are already published on the Funding and Tenders portal. These investments will help accelerate the green and digital transitions and will contribute to sustainable … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: the coordinator IN2

Every couple of weeks the WEAVE team will publish a blog post which will feature a partner of the WEAVE consortium. This first blog item features the project coordinator IN2 (, based in Germany. IN2’s mission is to provide software … Continue reading

Kicking – off the INCULTUM project

On the 4th of June 2021, the large group of partners from all over Europe met online to officially start the INCULTUM project. The core activities are about researching and empowering cultural tourism in peripheral areas, also unlocking their potential … Continue reading