Topic: EU projects

Saving Collective Visual History – online workshop by Photoconsortium

The opening event for the prestigious DIGITAL PAST 2021 conference, organized by the Royal Commission of the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales, was a 1-hour capacity building workshop by PHOTOCONSORTIUM to share experiences and lessons learnt for visual collections’ … Continue reading

PAGODE project moving towards accomplishments

On 26 January the General Assembly of PAGODE project was called in an online meeting, to review the progress of the project and to plan the next activities for the remaining months. PAGODE is in facts going to end on … Continue reading

#MuVArch – a virtual museum of architecture

A virtual museum was recently presented by the Italian Council of Architects CNAPPC – Consiglio Nazionale Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori. The museum is named #MuVArch, and will allow to virtually walk into exhibition rooms supported with an interactive audioguide. … Continue reading

“Applying and deploying AI in GLAMs” – Call for workshop proposals

The AI4LAM Teaching and Learning Working Group is organizing a series of online workshops on the week of March 29, 2021 to provide training opportunities for those interested in applying and deploying AI in Libraries, Galleries, Archives, and Museums. We … Continue reading

Survey about stored collections of museums

The Erasmus University Rotterdam in collaboration with the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC Barcelona) – as related to a PhD research – are conducting a survey on the stored collections of museums across the world. Knowing that the larger portion … Continue reading

Online course: 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage at Risk

On February 15th-17th, 2021, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (Italy) and the Center for Cultural Heritage Technology – Italian Institute of Technology (Italy) will organise the 3D Reconstruction of Cultural Heritage at Risk Training, in the framework of H2020 NETCHER Project. NETCHER 3D Reconstruction of … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage Survey on citizen science in the cultural heritage sector

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, is a project about the involvement of citizens in cultural heritage as a booster for sustainable university research and higher education. The starting point for the project’s activities and reflections … Continue reading

Commission welcomes political agreement on Creative Europe programme

PRESS RELEASE – 14th December 2020 Today, the Commission has welcomed the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the new Creative Europe programme (2021‑2027). Trilogue negotiations have now concluded, pending the final approval of … Continue reading

Reviewing existing initiatives and projects about citizen participation in cultural heritage

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, is a project about the involvement of citizens in cultural heritage as a booster for sustainable university research and higher education. The starting point for the project’s activities and reflection … Continue reading