Topic: EU projects

Interfaces Conference: Cultural Synergies, Creativity and Innovation

Cultural practitioners, policy makers, cultural managers, artists, curators and creative entrepreneurs are invited to a 2-day international event that explores how cultural synergies could contribute to innovation and creativity in the field of culture. In this final international activity of … Continue reading

Sharing EYCH project WeAre #EuropeForCulture

A ceremony and an exhibition on 6-7 February 2020 at the House of European History in Brussels marked  the “formal” conclusion of the WeAre#EuropeForCulture project, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, which realized a series … Continue reading

The technology and methodology behind WeAre#EuropeForCulture

WeAre#EuropeForCulture wanted people and citizens of any age and background to meet cultural heritage and interact with it, under the motto “it’s your history too”. It is a stubborn misunderstanding that communities or individuals who do not routinely engage with cultural … Continue reading

PAST | PRESENT event of EYCH project WeAre#EuropeForCulture

WeAre#EuropeForCulture, financed in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, has the objective to realize a series of pop-up exhibitions across 2019 in various European cities, to celebrate the diversity of European cultural heritage and to empower citizens in a more … Continue reading

BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC exhibition about the 1950s in Europe

“BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC” photographic exhibition, realized in the framework of the 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project, was opened at La Mercè Cultural Center in Girona on Tuesday 12th November, organized by CRDI / Ajuntament de Girona. During the inauguration, … Continue reading

EVA Florence 2020 – POSTPONED

POSTPONED – new dates to be confirmed EVA FLORENCE: the annual event about Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference, Training and Workshops Palazzo Bastogi, 6 – 7 May 2020 Who Should Attend: – The Cultural Sector – The Government … Continue reading

Have your say: EC consultation about digital culture

img. from Europeana Pro blog. The European Union is now consulting on what the priorities will be for the first two years of the Digital Europe Programme, the new funding programme currently preparing for 2021-2022. Sufficient support for digital culture … Continue reading

Emotional experiences at the museum and heritage sites

EMOTIVE storytelling for cultural heritage, is an EU funded Horizon 2020 project which seeks to develop emotionally-resonant digital experiences for visitors at cultural heritage sites; the basic premise of the project is that cultural sites are highly emotional places.   From … Continue reading

BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC – photo exhibition

Through the images from some of the most important european photographic archives, this exhibition showcase the era of the 1950s of a nascent Europe, balacing between east and west, freedom and repression, terror and euphoria. The Pisa display is the first of a series, as the exhibition is coinceived to be travelling across Europe. Continue reading

Blue skies, red panic – a photographic exhibition about the 1950s

Much like scents, flavours and music, photographs are powerful triggers of memory. So what better medium to recall a past as recent and as visually recognizable as early postwar Europe…? For about a year, the consortium involved in the EU-funded … Continue reading