Topic: EU projects

SPK testing Blinkster App for E-Space Museums pilot

by Sarah Wassermann, SPK The Blinkster app offers additional information about selected objects in the permanent exhibition of the Museum of European Cultures (MEK) and the Ethnological Museum (EM), content providers of SPK. For now, not all exhibition objects are … Continue reading

GLAMURS project joins RICHES network

  A Cooperation Agreement was recently signed between RICHES and FP7 project GLAMURS. Coordinated by University of A Coruna, GLAMURS started in January 2014 and will support policymakers, businesses, and citizens to make the right decisions on the way towards a … Continue reading

EUscreen Conference Content in Motion: Curating Europe’s Audiovisual Heritage

The EUscreenXL project is holding an international conference on curation of audiovisual heritage. The conference takes place on December 3 and 4 in Warsaw at the National Audiovisual Institute (NInA). It is organised by the best practice network for Europe’s … Continue reading

MEMOLA – European Policy Brief ” The impact of European Water Policy on the Water Cultural Heritage”

This document summarises MEMOLA project findings with regard to the impact of the European Water Policy on the cultural heritage associated with historical irrigation systems and presents suggestions for policy interventions. MEMOLA is associated partner of RICHES project for a … Continue reading

E-Space at EVA/Minerva 2015

On 8 and 9 November 2015 the EVA / MINERVA 12th annual international conference for professionals in cultural heritage took place at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. At the event, focused on the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage … Continue reading

Photomediations: a call for creative works

The editors of Photomediations: An Open Book are working with the Europeana Space Best Practice Network to curate an exhibition (both online and physical), and recently were calling out to the photographic community to submit works for consideration. We were … Continue reading

Launched the RICHES Resources website

The RICHES Consortium launched in November 2015 a new website dedicated to the RICHES resources, where all the main outcomes of the project (reports, publications, toolkits, links, etc.) are made available for any interested users.   The results of RICHES’ … Continue reading

EAGLE 1st Short Storytelling Contest

Think you can write a winning story in 2500 words or less? Enter the 1st EAGLE Short Story Contest for your chance to win Euro Amazon Voucher for up to 200 Euross, get published in EAGLE Portal and Storytelling Application and participate in the EAGLE 2016 Conference! Continue reading

Important RICHES days in Berlin

Jointed with the Civic Epistemologies final conference, partner SPK hosted the RICHES consortium for a double event in Berklin: the project plenary and the workshop session during the conference. On the 10 and 11 November 2015, the plenary meeting of the … Continue reading

Reconstructing historical dwellings in Albania

MEMOLA project (MEditerranean Mountainous LAndscapes) is an interdisciplinary approach to cultural landscapes of Mediterranean mountainous areas, taking as a central axis the historical study of two natural resources essential to generate agro-systems: water and soil. During October 2015, CeRPHAAL (MEMOLA partner), … Continue reading