Topic: EU projects

E-Space invited in CRe-AM networking session at ICT Lisbon 2015!

In force of the cooperation with sister project CRe-AM, E-Space representatives were invited to join a networking session organized by this latter in the huge EU event ICT 2015, taking place in Lisbon. The CRe-AM networking session aims to gather … Continue reading

RICHES POLICY SEMINAR, Brussels, 19 October 2015

The policies presented by RICHES are related to the need to develop and use a common taxonomy, innovation in copyright frameworks and open access to data and information, and co-creation practices to facilitate innovation in the cultural heritage sector – all with the purpose of overcoming a range of barriers and constraints. The event was preceded in the morning by a Networking Session where invited participants in EC-funded projects discussed aims and achievements in the light of establishing new, profitable collaborations and synergies. Continue reading

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation – goes to DCDC2015

DCDC2015: Exploring new digital destinations for heritage and academia brought together over 70 speakers from across the UK, Europe and further afield exploring key questions facing the future of digital engagement. An interesting workshop entitled FROM DIGITIZATION TO THE CREATIVE RE-USE OF DIGITAL CULTURAL CONTENT AND CITIZENS PARTICIPATION presented several EU project and initiatives in the domain of (digital) cultural heritage, reserach and technologies. Continue reading

Europeana Network Association AGM 2015

“We are Europeana” The Europeana Network Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an annual key event for Europeana and its network. It provides the opportunity for Europeana and its partners for all to share, discuss and develop specific areas of … Continue reading

From the Toolbox: veraPDF webinar

The webinar covers the work the veraPDF consortium have done so far on PREFORMA project. This includes the initial implementation of the PDF/A-1B validation model, the details on the latest 0.4 code release and plans for upcoming releases. We also discuss the integration points and extensibility of the framework to cover additional requirements on PDF documents. Continue reading

PREFORMA Plenary Meeting held in Pisa

PREFORMA partners met in Pisa on 8-9 October 2015 to discuss the current status of the project and to plan the next steps. The meeting was hosted by the Scuola Normale Superiore and it was held jointly with the Cloud Forward 2015 Conference organised by the H2020 HOLA CLOUD project and in friendship with the Internet Festival 2015. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at FIAT/IFTA 2015

Bert Lemmens from PACKED, Peter Bubestinger from the Austrian Mediathek and Tessa Fallon from MediaArea presented the PREFORMA project, the work done towads the adoption and standardisation of FFv1 as a digital preservation format and MediaConch, at the FIAT/IFTA World Conference 2015. The Conference took place in Vienna from October 7th until October 10th 2015 and this year theme was: “Audiovisual Culture, a bridge to the future”. Continue reading

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation

E-Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA and Photoconsortium met in a panel at DH 2015 to discuss how to establish the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

Museums Pilot at the EDV Tage in Theuern (Bavaria, Germany)

by Marlene Scholz, SPK From the 16th to the 18th September 2015 the annual conference “EDV Tage” (EDP Days) took place in Theuern, a picturesque village between Nuremberg and Regensburg. At the 27 years old event German representatives of both … Continue reading