Topic: EU projects

E-Space @ Manchester DCDC15 conference

DCDC (Discovering Collections, Discovering Communities) is a collaborative conference hosted by The National Archives and Research Libraries UK that explores inter-disciplinary, cross-sector approaches and opportunities to developing and widening access to the wealth of our collections through partnership and collaborative working, … Continue reading

E-Space Creative Marketing Workshop – event in Pisa

Organized by Fondazione Sistema Toscana, this Europeana Space Creative Marketing workshop was focused on exploring different ways of communicating cultural contents with the use of new media and will show how a greater audience can be reached by combining the power of social media … Continue reading

Civic Epistemologies in Granada

Granada recently hosted DH15, a huge event in the field of cultural heritage and digital technology, and Civic Epistemologies could not miss the occasion to be present and to network with other projects. In the framework of a panel workshop … Continue reading

Further standardisation of Matroska and FFv1

Here are a few updates about the efforts that PREFORMA is conduction towards the further standardisation of Matroska and FFv1 thanks to MediaArea, one of the PREFORMA suppliers that is working in the prototyping phase. Continue reading

Updates about the National Working Group in Sweden

20 October, 3 November and 4 November 2015: three appointments where you can learn more about PREFORMA in Sweden. Börje Justrell, Magnus Geber and Benjamin Yousefi from Riksarkivet, PREFORMA Project Coordinator, will talk in general about the project, of how to contribute, of the role of PDF/A and of the use of standardised file formats for preservation. Continue reading

7th Conference on Cultural and Media Economics

On 24-25 September 2015, at the François-Mitterrand site of the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the 7th Conference on Cultural and Media Economics was held, organised by The French Ministry of Culture and Communication’s Department of Studies, Forward-Looking Analysis and Statistics, the KEDGE Business School’s “Creative Industries, Culture and Sport” research cluster and Sciences Po’s Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Evaluation of Public Policies. RICHES partner Karol Borowiecki intervened with a presentation of the project and a speech under the title “Europe’s cultural consumption in the digital age: does fiscal policy matter?” Continue reading

IPR: good or bad for Creativity in the Digital World?

In a recently published post on the Cultural Studies Leuven blog, Prof. Fred Truyen (KU Leuven), coordinator of the E-Space project’s photography pilot, offers some reflections on his experience with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the successfully concluded EuropeanaPhotography project… Continue reading

Co-creation interview series: Q&A with Janine Prins

What are the innovative ways museums can present their collections to the public, in order to benefit all interested audiences and communities? RICHES partner Waag Society experiments co-creation practices to start a dialogue with the public and come together to create great, new ideas! Its staff started moreover an interview series where several museums and team members of the RICHES project are asked about their vision on co-creation within the heritage sector. This time, Waag did a Q&A with Janine Prins, RICHES member and anthropologist-filmmaker. Continue reading

Improving Technical Options for Audiovisual Collections through the PREFORMA Project

Kate Murray, author for The Signal, the digital preservation blog of the Library of Congress, interviewed MediaConch’s Project Manager Dave Rice and Archivist Ashley Blewer, who explained the aim of the PREFORMA Project and the first results of MediaConch particularly on the standardisation of Matroska & FFv1. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at IBC 2015

Erwin Verbruggen from the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision presented PREFORMA at the EBU Open Source Meetup at IBC 2015 in Amsterdam, which featured a series of 5 minutes lightning talks on open source projects and use cases from the broadcast domain. The presentation focused on the media conformance checking of AV files. Continue reading