Topic: EU projects

Beyond 3D Digitisation: Applications of 3D Technology in Cultural Heritage

As a new stage of the Digital Museum Expo, this colloquium and workshop focuses on the impact of 3D digital assets for cultural heritage.  Digitisation of museum objects is not a final stage, but only a start for research, conservation … Continue reading

The video of the RICHES First International Conference is online!

The RICHES International Conference held in Pisa (4-5 December 2014) concluded successfully the first year of activities of the project. Inspiring presentations delighted the audience with interesting reflections and best practice examples around the conference topic “Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating relationships”. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – January / February 2015

This edition brings you news of an innovative partnership with PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe, which gives researchers access to world-class data infrastructure and storage. Kimmo Koski calls for trust between researchers and technology providers, our roving reporter catches up with Carl Johan Håkansson to find out more about B2SHARE and we explore Augusto Burgueño’s vision for e-infrastructures in Europe. Continue reading

RICHES Intellectual Property Rights strategy: the move from analogue to digital and new forms of IPR

The firsts outcomes of the IPR research conducted in the framework of the RICHES project are available on the project website. The RICHES project addresses the challenges that digital cultural practices pose to existing copyright law and argues for new perspectives on IPR. Continue reading

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS “Cultural Heritage in a Changing World”

In the 21st century the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which Cultural Heritage is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists. The RICHES project is preparing a publication about these changes, and has opened a call for contributions to the book. Continue reading

Museums in Israel,
the National Portal: Beta version is available online

it is a portal for the people all over Israel and the globe. It enables Israel to be a leading member of the global community for digital culture and heritage, integrated with Europeana and functions a common platform for other cultural branches once they are moving toward the digital era. Continue reading

Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) @ IUI Conference

Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015)  @ IUI Conference call for papers deadline January 16th 2015 8th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) is co-located with the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2015 Conference in … Continue reading

MEMOLA rehabilitates the traditional irrigation system of Barjas

After twenty years of abandonment, and even forty in the case of the branch of La Hijuela, the traditional irrigation system of Barjas (Granada, Spain) was rehabilitated in collaboration with the National and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada and CEAMA. This campaign was undertaken between the months of February and March of 2014, using traditional techniques and knowledge provided by the local irrigators’ community. This activity involved 180 national and international volunteers and concluded with 5 kilometres of the channels restored, including the branch of La Hijuela. Continue reading

MoU between PREFORMA and Europeana Creative

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects to enable and promote greater re-use of cultural heritage resources by creative industries, starting from the open source tools developed in the framework of PREFORMA PCP and of Europeana Creative. Continue reading

Connecting the Data Dots: the Research Data Alliance (RDA) 5th Plenar

The RDA Fifth Plenary is taking place in San Diego, US from 9th – 11th March 2015 and is open to RDA members and the public, particularly individuals that share the core values of creating the building blocks of common data infrastructures that can bridge disciplinary activities under a community-driven and non-profit model. Continue reading