Topic: EU projects

Europeana Space and CRe-AM

CRe-AM and Europeana Space are two projects which both aim to enhance the creative industry by leveraging on ICT and digital cultural content. Europeana Space intends to do this by originating concrete scenarios, best practice and tools, and further by offering … Continue reading

ULTRAORBISM by Marcel•lí Antúnez Roca

Ultraorbism was an interactive distributed action between two networked connected spaces in two cities: Barcelona and Falmouth. The story was a linear interpretation of the first of the two books of True Story by Lucian of Samosata (a Syrian writer who lived in the second century AD), who tells an impossible journey on which everything is invented, with references to the mythology and literature of the era. Ultraorbism, a project directed by Marcel•lí Antúnez Roca, is part of the European project SPECIFI and case study of the RICHES European project’s research area. Continue reading

Article about PREFORMA published in Archival Science

The article “Digital curation and quality standards for memory institutions: PREFORMA research project” has just been published in the Archive Science Journal – S.I. Digital Curation – and it is available as ‘Online First’ on SpringerLink. Continue reading

Project Mosul: Protecting Iraq’s Cultural Heritage

The historically important city of Mosul holds artefacts of huge cultural and historical importance and the Mosul Museum is the second largest museum in Iraq after the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad. Photo of Ishtar temple lion from Project Mosul website. Photo in public domain. Special thanks go to the volunteers who have submitted the images: Suzanne E. Bott, Col. Mary Prophit, and Diane Siebrandt
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Photomediations: An Open Book

A collaboration between academics from Goldsmiths, University of London, and Coventry University, Photomediations: An Open Book is the outcome of the Open and Hybrid Publishing pilot – which is one of six Europeana Space pilots. Through a comprehensive introduction and four specially commissioned chapters on light, movement, hybridity and networks that include over 200 images, it tells a unique story about the relationship between photography and other media. Continue reading

E-Space technical workshop

Europeana Space is establishing a Technical Space as a framework for storing, accessing and processing cultural heritage content and metadata. Based upon IPR licensing, curators, scholars, professional users and developers will be able to search for and manage resources within … Continue reading

Europeana Photography: excellent results

The review meeting, hosted by the project Coordinator Fred Truyen at the premises of KU Leuven, welcomed the Project Officer Krzysztof Nichczynski and the reviewers Makx Dekkers and Tom Wachtel with whom the Europeana Photography WP leaders had the possibility to illustrate and discuss the project achievements. Photo courtesy Continue reading

Presentation of the results of the first design phase

On March 6th 2015, the six suppliers who are currently working in the first design phase of the PREFORMA PCP project presented to the PREFORMA Consortium and to the external experts of the Evaluation Committee the results of their work. Stay tuned on our Open Source Portal! Continue reading

Second EC concertation meeting for ongoing PCP projects

Antonella Fresa, Technical Coordinator of PREFORMA, attended the second concertation meeting for on-going PCP projects in DG Connect, organised by the European Commission in Brussels on the 5th of March 2015. Presentations and minutes of the meeting are now available for download. Continue reading