Topic: europeana

Europeana XX: Century of Change celebrates today a great milestone!

img.: the Europeana XX Thematic Collection in Europeana. EU funded Europeana XX: Century of Change project celebrates today the launch of a new Europeana Thematic Collection: a dedicated area in the Europeana portal to showcase special cultural heritage collections and … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage, a new project about citizen participation in education and research

CitizenHeritage – Citizen Science Practices in Cultural Heritage: towards a Sustainable Model in Higher Education A new project co-financed by the European Union under the Erasmus+ programme, to empower Citizen Science and participation in cultural heritage as a booster for … Continue reading

Digital Transformation for User Engagement in Cultural Heritage

This unique webinar organized by Photoconsortium in collaboration with Europeana and the Cyprus University of Technology was proposed in the contex of the EUROMED 2020 webconference. A capacity building workshop dedicated to Cultural Heritage Institutions looking at new opportunities offered … Continue reading

GIF IT UP 2020

Throughout October, GIF-makers, history nuts, culture enthusiasts, and Internet fans are invited to take part in GIF IT UP 2020, the latest edition of the annual contest hosted by Europeana that challenges people to create animated cultural heritage images and … Continue reading

PAGODE Technical Workshop

Originally planned as a project meeting in Athens focused on dataset enrichment, due to the covid-crisis this event was expanded and transformed in an online gathering, to discuss and share knowledge on metadata curation, vocabularies and thesauri, semantic enrichment, aggregation … Continue reading

Europeana 2020: Crisis, Change and Culture

2020 is not the year we thought it was going to be. A global pandemic has changed our day-to-day lives. The Covid crisis has brought home how connected our lives are across the globe, while the injustices and societal inequalities … Continue reading

The heritagization of the emigration from China

PAGODE – Europeana China is proud to host an expert blog written by dr. Martina Bofulin, Slovenian Migration Institute, Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The blog explains how legacies from Chinese emigration are now taken … Continue reading

Leveraging the power of AI for European cultural heritage

AI will now be well-versed in cultural heritage due to a new EU-funded project called Saint George on a Bike. Composed of researchers from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and Europeana Foundation, the project has begun training natural language processing … Continue reading

Museums and Social Responsibility – Values revisited

Within the framework of Germany’s presidency of the Council of the European Union, NEMO and the German Museums Association are co-organising the online conference Museums and Social Responsibility – Values revisited from 17-18 September 2020. The conference will focus on what social … Continue reading