Topic: europeana

Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures

EFHA International Conference 2018: Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures The conference Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures focused on European sartorial heritage, its collecting and its archiving practices; it explored and contextualised spaces of cultural interactions, displacement … Continue reading

new name, same mission: European Fashion Heritage Association

Starting today, the Europeana Fashion International Association changes its name in European Fashion Heritage Association. A new name, a new identity, but the same mission: “make it easier for fashion GLAMs and brands to get better value from their cultural heritage … Continue reading

“Building Communities” – Europeana AGM 2018

Europeana Network Association AGM 2018: “Building Communities” The AGM 2018 is an opportunity for Europeana Network Association members to voice their opinions and ideas and to showcase their projects. This year’s focus is on building communities. The AGM 2018 takes … Continue reading

Digital Cultural Heritage as a lab for fostering win-win collaboration between the public and the private sector

PHOTOCONSORTIUM, the international consortium for photographic heritage, organized its annual event 2018 in Barcelona, hosted by Generalitat de Catalunia – GENCAT in the beautiful locations of the Department of Culture. While the Association’s general assembly took place on 11th June, a public … Continue reading

img . “Family vacation at the Baltic Sea, Germany 1930s”, Wilhelm Zwez © United Achives, In Copyright, via Europeana
Upcoming Europeana Collection Day at #ReachYourCulture Conference: let’s share your own story!

In the framework of the REACH Opening Conference “Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe“, Europeana will hold a parallel event in which all attendees and citizens are invited to contribute by sharing their family’s stories on travels, migrations, origins … Continue reading

Europeana 1914-1918 Transcribathon in Athens

The National Historical Museum in Athens, in collaboration with Europeana 1914-1918, the Facts & Files International Initiative and PostScriptum, organized a manuscript transcript competition from the period of the First World War in the framework of the international campaign “Transcribathon … Continue reading

Europeana CEF Call for Generic Services open until 15th May

The 2018 CEF Telecom Europeana call for proposals will be open until 15 May 2018. The open call info are available here: the call is looking for projects that will support cultural institutions to increase the amount of high quality content and metadata … Continue reading

CARARE workshop: Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana

Organized by CARARE association and hosted by the University of Lund, this is a one-day workshop on Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana, was held in Lund on the 20th June 2018. The physical remains of Europe’s rich heritage are all around … Continue reading

The BYZART project: creating one of the widest online collections of Byzantine art and archaeology

Funded as a part of the 2016 Generic Services call, this new project BYZART, led by University of Bologna, aims to digitize, catalogue and make available rich archive collections about Byzantine cultural heritage in Europeana, the European digital library. The project … Continue reading

Call for papers: Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana

The call for papers is open for a one-day workshop on Archaeology and Architecture in Europeana, organised by CARARE and hosted by the University of Lund, to be held in Lund on the 20th June 2018. The physical remains of … Continue reading