Topic: europeana

Meet WEAVE Team: TopFoto

all images courtesy of Topham Partners LLP (TopFoto) – UK Founded in London in 1927, TopFoto is a rich resource for the world’s political and social history of the 20th century, illustrating the events, cultures and public figures that … Continue reading

WEAVE Team joins celebration of the International Romani day

>>> international Romani Studies Network (iRSN), Press release, 8th April 2022 >>> On the 8th April each year, we, the Romani and Traveller people, celebrate the First World Romani Congress taking place in 1971, in Orpington (near London), when Romani … Continue reading

Digital Storytelling Festival

The online Digital Storytelling festival will take place from 10 May to 12 June 2022, hosted by Europeana and The Heritage Lab, the two non-profit organizations based in Europe and India with a common interest in storytelling and culture. The … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: CRDI Ajuntament de Girona

all images courtesy of CRDI CRDI, the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion in Girona, owns a large Image Archive that holds a wealth of materials reflecting different aspects of daily life in Girona and its rich cultural heritage. It … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: Coventry University

Coventry University has roots reaching back as far as 1843. Today it is a forward looking modern University, a provider of high quality education with a focus on quality research. We are the number 1 Modern UK University (2014 and … Continue reading

WEAVE visits Coventry University MA History students

text by Marie-Louise Crawley, C-DARE Coventry University. On Thursday 17th March 2022, students on Coventry University’s (UK) MA History ‘Cultural Heritage and Public History’ module, were delighted to meet team members from WEAVE and to learn more about the WEAVE … Continue reading

Meet WEAVE Team: PédeXumbo

PédeXumbo was born in 1998 to provide a legal framework for the Andanças Festival, created in 1996 by a group of Portuguese young people. The Association’s work can be divided into two stages: before and after 2007. Until 2007, it … Continue reading

Watch the new video of the Saint George on a Bike project

Cultural heritage professionals aim to improve the way we understand paintings by generating descriptions of them. However, since millions of cultural objects have been created throughout history, completing such a task seems impossible, but only for humans. The goal of … Continue reading

Building the common European data space for cultural heritage together: The role of Europeana, content aggregation and strategic frameworks

In collaboration with Mobilier National and the French Ministry of Culture and under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council, Europeana is organising an online conference on 1 March 2022 (09:00-16:30 CET), entitled ‘Building the common European data … Continue reading

The Eva Schul Archive: Constructing Dance Memories in the Southern Brazil

text by Mônica Fagundes Dantas, UFRGS and Rosa Cisneros, C-DARE Coventry University. Carne Digital: Arquivo Eva Schul (Digital Flesh: The Eva Schul Archive) is a digital dance archive about the life and work of choreographer and teacher Eva Schul, consisting … Continue reading