Topic: intellectual property rights

Towards a new social contract between publishers and editors

NeDiMAH, the Network for Digital Methods in the Arts and Humanities, is delighted to announce this one-day seminar, which will bring together publishers and scholarly editors in order to discuss how best to produce digital editions which are at the same time both economically viable and in keeping with scholarly standards. … Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays goes Belgian!

The second instance of All Our Yesterdays will take place from February 1 to March 15, 2015, in Campus Library Arenberg – Heverlee and Tweebronnen Library – Leuven (BE). Continue reading

RICHES and the IP: complete the survey!

Intellectual Property Rights permeate all areas of the research carried out by the RICHES team. From the re-use of existing to the generation of new forms of cultural heritage, copyright is relevant to its use, re-use and dissemination. A framework of understanding for IPR is being developed within the RICHES project that highlights the importance of copyright to digital cultural heritage, cultural heritage that is transformed from analogue to digital and cultural working practices that embrace co-creation as the norm. You can contribute to our research by completing our survey! Continue reading

Europeana Space Opening Conference

The core topic of the conference was how to enable a creative re-use of digital cultural content thus unlocking the business potential of cultural heritage and fostering the creation of new jobs and economic growth. A very interested audience almost fulfilled the parterre of the former theater, now conference venue. As a side activity, in the afetrnoon of the second day the registered participants could visit the Venice incubator H-Farm, an inspiring environment for creativity and technology. Continue reading

Open Knowledge Foundation joins Europeana Space

Open Knowledge is a nonprofit organisation that promotes open knowledge, including open content and open data. With such great credentials it seemed natural for Open Knowledge to participate in the Europeana Space project to cooperate on WP3 – The Content Space. Continue reading

Long-term sustainability through OSS implementations of open file formats

This article gives some motivation for why open file formats are important to the EU and why open file formats and Open Source implementations are important for long-term sustainability.
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Europeana Photography workshop about Orphan Works

Valuable experts were invited for discussing different themes and for driving question and answer sessions. The participants were from the project consortium and also from other organizations such as the National Archives and the National Museum of Denmark, the Danish Film Institute and LFF Foundation. Arbejdermuseet is one of the partners of Europeana Photography project, providing 25.000 digitized photos that witness the conditions and everyday life of the workers’ and the labour movement’s history. Continue reading

Succeed survey on content/tools licensing and innovative usages

The Succeed project is undertaking a survey on the use of licenses in the field of digitisation and on innovative usages of digitised content. The aim of this survey is to gather information about current practices for licensing data, metadata and tools and on new trends in the exploitation of digitised content. Continue reading

Building the project’s foundation

On 13th May i2CAT Foundation, in collaboration with the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC), organised the first RICHES open to all activity in Barcelona. The activity focused on building the project’s foundation and establishing the project’s taxonomy: a set of basic definitions and conceptual frameworks which will delineate RICHES’ fields of research and further study on the context of change and the role of Cultural Heritage (CH) in the economic and social development in Europe. Continue reading


The workshop was celebrated on Tuesday, May 13th, at The Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) Barcelona’s Campus and served as the foundation of the RICHES Project research areas. The workshop outcomes established an initial agreement of basic definitions and frameworks which will delineate RICHES’ fields of research and further study on the context of change in which European Cultural Heritage (CH) is transmitted and on the role of CH in the economic and social development of Europe. Continue reading