Topic: media

veraPDF 0.14 released with launch of demo website

We are pleased to announce the latest release of veraPDF, the definitive, open source PDF/A validator. Version 0.14 features Transparency and Unicode character map validation in PDF/A-2 levels B and U. This is the first release of the final design phase which began on 19 April following the PREFORMA Project EC review at the Open Source Workshop. Please support our efforts by downloading and testing the software. Continue reading

Video recordings of the Open Source Workshop now available

The video clips of all the presentations of the PREFORMA Open Source Workshop are now available on the event website. The workshop, hosted by the National Library of Sweden on April 7, 2016, featured keynote presentations by representatives from the PREFORMA project and the open source community. Continue reading

DPF Manager: new release ready to download!

After the redesign phase, a new version of the DPF Manager is available. Version 2.0 includes many new functionalities and improvements and is now ready to be downloaded on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Everybody is invited to download the DPF Manager and test the latest release. Your feedback is essential to keep improving the software. Continue reading

CulturalBase: the Major Stakeholder Conference

The Major Stakeholder Conference (MSC) “Co-creating Agendas for Culture in Europe. Memory, Inclusion, Creativity” was held in Barcelona (Spain) on 11-12 May, 2016 in the framework of the CulturalBase project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program. The Major Stakeholder … Continue reading

The N.I.C.E. Award

The N.I.C.E. Award: The N.I.C.E. Award is an initiative by the “Network for Innovations in Culture and Creativity in Europe” (N.I.C.E.), which was launched in Dortmund in 2013 by the european centre for creative economy (ecce) with the backing of … Continue reading

Open Source Workshop: presentations now online!

Sweden’s majestic Royal Library Kungliga Biblioteket welcomed more than a hundred heritage professionals for the first public PREFORMA event, the Open Source Preservation Workshop – Serving the Cultural Heritage. All presentations are now available for download on the event website. Continue reading

Who’s Using What: PREFORMA Project

For this edition of Who’s Using What, Gregory Markus looks towards the digital preservation challenges that GLAMs face. He interviewed two developers from the PREFORMA Project: Xavi Tarres from Easy Innova (who is working on DPF Manager, the conformance checker for TIFF images) and Jérôme Martinez from MediaArea (who is working on MediaConch, the conformance checker for MKV/FFv1 audiovisual files). Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #4 – April 2016

MediaArea Team released version 16.03 of MediaConch, the open source conformance checker for audiovisual files. Among the latest updates, it now supports plugins including VeraPDF and DPFManager, the other two PREFORMA conformance checkers for electronic documents and still images. The Online MediaConch GUI enables accessibility across platforms. Continue reading

Cloud Forward Conference 2016

Registration is now open to attend Cloud Forward 2016. The conference, organised under the auspices of AMETIC, CDTI, Chamber of Commerce, EGI, Madrid+d, UNED and IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine, will take place in Madrid at the Circulo de Bellas Artes from 18 to 20 October 2016. Continue reading

veraPDF 0.12 released alongside first version of wiki validation rules

veraPF’s latest software is now available for download in the Open Source Portal. The veraPDF validation engine implements the PDF/A specification using formalisations of each requirement in PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3. The wiki determines each rule used by the software and provides details on the error(s) triggering a failure of the rule. Continue reading