Topic: media

MoU between PREFORMA and Europeana Creative

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects to enable and promote greater re-use of cultural heritage resources by creative industries, starting from the open source tools developed in the framework of PREFORMA PCP and of Europeana Creative. Continue reading

Future Everything’s XX anniversary

FutureEverything celebrated its 20th anniversary. For the last two decades the festival has brought people together to imagine, shape and question the vision of a truly participatory society. A belief in the emancipatory and creative potential of new technologies runs throughout digital culture. It is found both in the open source community and in the rhetoric of Silicon Valley start-ups. In recent years, the contradictions in this vision have come to the surface. The digital age has brought a collision of positives and negatives. This year was an ideal opportunity for FutureEverything to hit pause on its headlong rush into the future, to reflect on the consequences of the past decades and the prospects for the decades to come. Continue reading

Seminar on Museology, Museography and new forms of address to the Public

On 10 February 2015, at the Salle Triangle of Centre Pompidou, in Paris, is being held the seminar “Social Hermeneutic Networks”, centred on the topic “museology, museography and new forms of address to the public”; Alain Garnier, Yuk Hui and Henry Story are intervening in the event. The seminar will show how the social network can become matter of study and subject of a dissertation or a course, as well as tool for the student, the researcher or the non-professional user. Continue reading

Kick-off of the Swedish Working Group

15 archivists met on 15th of December 2015 at the City Archives of Uppsala for the first preparatory meeting of the PREFORMA Working Group in Sweden. They participated actively, reporting issues in producing correct PDF/A files & offering test files. Continue reading

Comparing Formats for Video Digitization

The Audio-Visual Working Group within the Federal Agencies Digitization Guidelines Initiative recently posted a comparison of a few selected digital file formats for consideration when reformatting videotapes. The new report compares MXF and MKV on sustainability. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented to SMEs and creative industries in Greece

Thanks to the Greek Film Centre, the first results of the PREFORMA project are being widely disseminated in Greece, highlighting in particular the opportunities offered by the project to the SMEs and to the cultural and creative industries. Continue reading

Results of the PREFORMA CfT published!

Here are the names of the suppliers who have been awarded a contract with PREFORMA to develop an open-source toolset for conformance checking of digital files (texts, images and AV), intended for long-term preservation in memory institutions. Continue reading

Pisa is approaching and…we start co-creating!

How cultural institutions can renew themselves? How can heritage professionals create the conditions for the visitors to leave the role of observers and instead be active contributors to the development of heritage? How can the consumers become producers of cultural heritage? How can cultural heritage be co-created? RICHES is trying to answer these questions through a series of co-creation sessions. The outcomes of these initiatives will be presented during 5 December’s afternoon programme of the First RICHES International Conference, being held in Pisa, at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi (4-5 December 2014). Continue reading


A presentation of PREFORMA has been delivered by Erwin Verbruggen at the workshop “Digital AV Archiving Workflows; Digitisation, Ingest, Preservation, Conversion, and Delivery” organised on 22 and 23 September 2014 in Copenhagen by the PRESTO4U project. Continue reading

RICHES is on Net4Society’s website!

On 9 September 2014, Net4Society published an article on its website announcing the first International Conference of the RICHES Project, being held in Pisa, at the Museum of Graphics of Palazzo Lanfranchi, on 4-5 December 2014. NET4SOCIETY is the International Network of National Contact Points for the Societal Challenge 6 and Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in Horizon 2020. Continue reading