Topic: museum & library information systems

PREFORMA factsheet translated in Dutch

The factsheet presenting the project and the call for tender is now available also in Dutch thanks to the work of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. The factsheet has been published both in the NISV project pages and in the DEN Project repository. Continue reading

Engaging Spaces: Interpretation, Design and Digital Strategies

On December 1-3 2014, in Warsaw, it will be held the NODEM 2014 conference, which aims to bring together museum and heritage professionals, innovation experts and creative industries to enable discussion on the potential of dialogue and collaboration between architecture, experience design, strategies of interpretation and ICT. Continue reading

Open Dialogue: towards a joint user model

A group of memory institutions met in Brussels to agree on the expected behavior and functionality of the tools to be developed in the coming years by the software suppliers that will be selected out of the procurement that will be launched by the project. The outcome of the workshop will be soon available on the PREFORMA website. Continue reading


ARQUEOLÓGICA 2.0 will analize both the present and future of documentation, reconstruction and computer aided render techniques, applied to archaeological heritage and culture. The main aim is to offer an updated overview about the Archaeology of XXI Century. Continue reading


IRCDL is a yearly deadline for Italian researchers on Digital Libraries related topics. The University of Padua, who organised the 2014 edition of the event, presented and disseminated the final results of the CULTURA project to the participants. Continue reading


The final results of the CULTURA project have been presented and disseminated at the 2nd AIUCD Annual Conference 2013 on Collaborative Research Practices and Shared Infrastructures for Humanities Computing, hosted by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua. Continue reading

PCP on digital preservation @ EGI CF 2014, Helsinki

Proposal for a workshop organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki. Aim of this event is to present to the whole digital preservation community – open source community, developers, standardization bodies and memory institutions – the new opportunities offered by the project and by the forthcoming call for tender. Continue reading

Concertation among EC-funded PCP projects

The meeting, organised by the Innovation Unit of the European Commission, represented a good opportunity to raise awareness of PREFORMA, collect information about good practices and find synergies with other running PCP projects. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at OFA Event & FOSDEM 2014

Researchers and practitioners from the PREFORMA project participated to the OFA event and at FOSDEM to present the project and to discuss challenges for memory institutions related to implementation of file formats. Continue reading

EGI community forum 2014
E-infrastructures and services for data preservation and curation @ EGI CF 2014, Helsinki

Aim of this workshop, organised by DCH-RP project, was to present the first concrete results of the cooperation between different projects aimed to the development of a joint registry of services and tools for the long-term preservation of digital data and to demonstrate how these services can be tested and used by memory institutions. Continue reading