Topic: photography

RICHES at Europeana Photography Final Conference

Neil Forbes, RICHES Project Coordinator, presented the project during the Final Conference of Europeana Photography, which took place in Leuven on 29-30 January 2015, hosted by CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography in Campus Library Arenberg. Continue reading

Europeana Photography: grand-final

The conference title is The Impact of Digitization on Photographic Heritage: Memories Reframed and took place on 29-30 January. The second instance of All Our Yesterdays took place from February 1 to March 15, 2015, in Campus Library Arenberg – Heverlee and Tweebronnen Library – Leuven (BE). Besides the exhibition, it included events for schools, seniors and amateurs as well as a PechaKucha Night, the first one to be held in Leuven. Continue reading

Europeana Photography – Bratislava plenary meeting

Focus of the plenary was the finalization of the +430.000 metadata of early photographs to be provided to, the European digital library where the images digitizited by the project will be retrievable and accessible to everybody, and the organization of the final conference of the project, which will be joint to the opening of a new edition of the exhibition All Our Yesterdays, with a very special Belgian flavour that was added to the original format of the exhibition (held in Pisa in April-June 2014 for the first time) thanks to the cooperation with the Leuven City Archive. Continue reading

“Ricordi dai nostri album di famiglia”, All Our Yesterdays once again in Pisa

Next to the big archives which hold thousands and thousands of early photography items, a large part of this particular kind of cultural heritage is also widespread in the vintage photo-albums held in any family. Here we can find precious evidences of our grandfathers’ lifestyle, thanks to which we are able to retrace the memory of our territory. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays goes Belgian!

The second instance of All Our Yesterdays will take place from February 1 to March 15, 2015, in Campus Library Arenberg – Heverlee and Tweebronnen Library – Leuven (BE). Continue reading

“Shaping Europe”: Europeana 1914-1918 and Europeana 1989

WW1 and the fall of the Iron Curtain, two events that shaped the Europe we know today to be commemorated at the European Parliament in unique style. A family history roadshow, digitising personal memorabilia of MEPs for these two seminal periods of European history, is taking place in the Parliament. During the event, a Twitter campaign will highlight some of the most interesting stories of this historical period. Continue reading


The great experience of the Europeana Photography project is near to its end: the project is finishing on 31st January 2015 with a big closing event in Leuven. But the end of the project is nothing else than what it … Continue reading

TEATRÁLNY SVET / THE THEATRICAL WORLD 1839-1939 – exhibition in Bratislava

Europeana Photography partner Divadelny Ustav is organizer of a great exhibition on the theatrical world, witnessed through + 400 beautiful old photographs. Opening Thursday 6th November 2014. The exhibtion is part of the Slovak Month of Photography initiatives. Continue reading

Europeana Photography at Europeana AGM in Madrid

Europeana Photography cannot miss this event, and will be presented by the project coordinator Fred Truyen (KU Leuven) in a Ignite Talk, entitled “All our memories”: sharing photographic heritage through Europeana, Continue reading

Europeana Photography celebrates the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

Girona City Council, through the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) and the Museum of Cinema, with the collaboration of Amics de la UNESCO, celebrate the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage with the follow activities: conference: “An overview of the portrait in Girona” and a presentation: Japanese Photographic Album (ca. 1885-1890). Continue reading