Topic: photography

Europeana Photography at Europeana AGM in Madrid

Europeana Photography cannot miss this event, and will be presented by the project coordinator Fred Truyen (KU Leuven) in a Ignite Talk, entitled “All our memories”: sharing photographic heritage through Europeana, Continue reading

Europeana Photography celebrates the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage

Girona City Council, through the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) and the Museum of Cinema, with the collaboration of Amics de la UNESCO, celebrate the World Day of Audiovisual Heritage with the follow activities: conference: “An overview of the portrait in Girona” and a presentation: Japanese Photographic Album (ca. 1885-1890). Continue reading

Conference Girona 2014 Archives and Cultural Industries

by Sofie Taes, KU Leuven The program of the monumental, multi-disciplinarian conference on archives and cultural industries held in Girona’s Palau de Congressos (13-15 October), and co-organized by EuropeanaPhotography-partner Ajuntament de Girona (CRDI), featured several members of our consortium: Antonella … Continue reading

Experimenting with photography

Photography is both a means of personal expression and a witness of present and past days: therefore it’s about cultural heritage and about creativity, and it is a wealth of possibilities for experimentations. Europeana Photography and Europeana Space are two projects strictly linked one to the other on this topic. Continue reading

Europeana Space – Photography Pilot

Europeana Space includes 6 thematic pilots, among which one is dedicated to Photography. The Photography pilot will contribute to Europeana Space’s main goal: to demonstrate, by means of actual, funded and innovative applications hitting the market in all the right spots, that for the creative industries, open cultural heritage can be the fabric added value in the digital economy is made of. Photo courtesy of CRDI Girona. Continue reading

Open & Hybrid Publishing pilot @ Transactions event

Joanna Zylinska from Goldsmiths, University of London and Jonathan Shaw from Coventry University were invited speakers at the ‘All About Imaging: Transactions’ symposium, organised by the Faculty of Media, Arts and Design of the University of Westminster, London, with the co-operation of the Imaging Science Group of The Royal Photographic Society, on 22-23.05.2014. Continue reading

Some of our yesterdays: Europeana Photography @ British Library

Organized by the Royal Anthropological Institute and the British Museum, this gathering of professionals from either the artistic/creative field or the academic world, offered the opportunity to anyone active at the crossroads of both disciplines to showcase an oeuvre or project to the conference attendants. In te Europeana Photography booth, the accent was on the project’s future activities: the upcoming Belgian production of the expo (Leuven, 30 January – 30 March 2015), as well as the upcoming future platform that is springing out of the project after the end of the EC funding period. Continue reading

A joint creative workshop about digital photography

Guided by prof. Fred Truyen in his double role of Europeana Photography coordinator and Europeana Space pilot leader, the participants met in the Museum room of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven. This joint workshop is just a first step in a close cooperation between the two projects, Europeana Photography and Europeana Space, and a concrete action for searching new business opportunities involving digital cultural heritage. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays, a huge success for the photographic exhibition!

The flux of visitors at Palazzo Lanfranchi was more or less continuous since the opening (11th April), but a boom of visits was registered on the 17th May during the European Night of the Museums. In this occasion the exhibition was open till midnight and almost 800 visitors crowded the vintage rooms of the palace where the photographs are hosted, in a truly charming environment. Continue reading

Eva Florence 2014, dissemination

Europeana Photography was present once again to the EVA conference in Florence, held on 7 – 8 May 2014. A nice presentation by Emanuela Sesti of Fondazione Alinari highlighted to the present audience the progress of the project, and disseminated … Continue reading