Topic: photography

A Europeana Photography Exhibition in Sofia

The opening took place on the 15th May 2014. Among the guests was Mr. Martin Ivanov – the President’s Secretary of Culture. Mr. Dincho Krastev – CEO of NALIS – and Mrs. Katya Zografova – director of the National Museum of Literature presented the exhibition and the EuropenaPhotography project. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays @ Pisa, Museum of Graphics, Palazzo Lanfranchi

The great exhibition of early photography opened on Friday 11th April. The Museum of Graphics in Palazzo Lanfranchi hosted international guests from all over Europe to celebrate the ribbon cutting, and to unveil the photographic masterpieces which are in the exhibition. “All Our Yesterdays: Life Through the Lens of Europe’s First Photographers (1839 – 1939)”, in Pisa, 11th April – 2nd June 2014 Continue reading

Europeana Space Kick-off meeting

Beside the project members, participants in the meeting were the EU Officer Marcel Waletet and the deputy director of Europeana Foundation Harry Verwayen. The kick-off meeting was already the place to start the organization of the first public event of Europeana Space: the appointment is in Venice, in October 2014 with a great opening conference organized by the hosting partner Università Ca’ Foscari. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays… welcome to Pisa!

The location of the exhibition is Palazzo Lanfranchi, a very prestigious exhibition centre, in an historical palace in the center of Pisa, on the Lungarno Galilei (the embankment of river Arno). Each photograph displayed in Palazzo Lanfranchi is printed with the most advanced printing techniques and on a very pure, cotton-based paper that enhances the photograph at its best. In order to attract the citizens to visit the exhibition and to engage the visitors, Collection Days are organized to digitize family photos and albums related to the timeframe of the project. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays, story of a narrative

The great event of Europeana Photography project is the result of collective effort from all the partners of this extraordinary consortium. An important role in the direction of the scientific project behind the exhibition was played by the project coordinator KU Leuven, in charge of coordinating the selection of images together with the content providers, and of developing themes and narrative of the exhibition and the catalogue book. Grand opening event is taking place in Pisa (Italy) 11th April – 2nd June 2014, in the historical setting of Palazzo Lanfranchi, organized by Promoter. Continue reading

All Our Yesterdays. Europeana Photography exhibition

In Pisa, at Palazzo Lanfranchi, from 11th April to 2nd June 2014, a great photographic and multimedia exhibition based on the most advanced digitization and printing technologies, telling the stories of our grandfathers. The exhibition is organized in the framework of the EU-funded project Europeana Photography. Continue reading

RAI’s Anthropology and Photography Conference

The Royal Anthropological Institute is pleased to announce its major international conference ‘Anthropology and Photography’, which will take place at the British Museum’s Education Clore Centre on 29-31 May 2014. Europeana Photography was invited by RAI and will take part in the conference presenting its recent outcomes. Continue reading

Europeana Photography updates and plenary meeting 2014

Immediately following the EuropeanaPhotography software seminar organized by partners GenCat and CRDI, a plenary meeting of the project was held in Barcelona on 30-31 January, again at the premises of Palau Moja. This plenary meeting included the official announce of the upcoming EuropeanaPhotography exhibition, opening in Pisa (Italy) in April 2014. Continue reading

PREFORMA @ Image and Research Conference 2016

The 14th edition of the Image and Research Conference, organized by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council with the collaboration of the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, will be held in Girona on 17-18 November 2016. The day before the Conference, on 16 November 2016, a workshop will be organised by the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

EVA Moscow, good dissemination for EuropeanaPhotography

«EVA 2013 Moscow, Information society, culture, education»: the theme of this edition was «Libraries and museums in digital environment: dialogue and cooperation». EuropeanaPhotography was presented at the conference with a good speech, and distribution of flyers. Moreover, possible cooperation with local Institutions was deeply discussed. Several people asked questions, mainly about how their Institution can join the project and how Russian organizations can be involved. Continue reading