Topic: photography

Major Enhancements Unveiled On ‘Closer To Van Eyck’ Web Application

The Getty Foundation and the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage (KIK-IRPA, Brussels) announced today the launch of major enhancements to the website ‘Closer to Van Eyck,’ which provides breathtaking details of one of the most important works of art in … Continue reading

Call: ideation workshop in Helsinki – How can we create new interfaces to heritage collections of social digital photography

The Collecting Social Photo project is happy to invite creative participants for a workshop in Helsinki, in November 2017, where we will develop prototype interfaces for social digital photography collections. The purpose of the workshop is to ideate together around … Continue reading

“Creative with Digital Heritage” – E-Space MOOC is again accepting enrollments for October 2017

For the second academic year, the E-Space MOOC “Creative with Digital Heritage” is accepting enrollments. Europeana Space was a EC-funded project about the creative reuse of digital cultural heritage, which concluded in March 2017 with “excellent” evaluation from the EC … Continue reading

“All Our Yesterdays” photographic exhibition at Arxiu Nacional de Catalunya

Another instance of the successful photographic exhibition All Our Yesterdays, originally produced in the framework of Europeanaphotography project (2012-2015) and now curated by the spin off association PHOTOCONSORTIUM, is taking place until 31 December 2017 in Sant Cugat, Barcelona, at the … Continue reading

Photoconsortium Annual Event, hosted by CRDI. Public seminar and general assembly.

img. Ajuntament de Girona, Vista exterior de l’absis de la Catedral de Girona, Public Domain. Hosted by Photoconsortium member CRDI, the 2017 Annual Event of Photoconsortium is organized in the beautiful city of Girona (Spain), seat of an important audiovisual … Continue reading

“Man Meets World”, Pop-Up Museum exhibition in Pisa, 20th May 2017

One of the virtual interactive exhibitions about Belle Epoque, which are curated by KU Leuven and powered with the MuPop (the Pop-Up Museum tool developed in 2016 within E-Space project) was on show in Pisa on 20th May. On the … Continue reading

Europeana Photography thematic collection – Launch event in Pisa

On May 20th it’s “Open, Sesame!” at Pisa’s Museo della Grafica. Precisely on the European Night of Museums, PHOTOCONSORTIUM and Europeana will launch the Europeana Photography thematic collection: an online platform that celebrates early photography by showcasing some of the finest historical … Continue reading

Photography / Archives / Ireland – Symposyum

This one day symposium will bring together researchers and practitioners who are concerned to interrogate the role of the archive in the production of new knowledges about photography in Ireland, and those who offer alternative narratives of Irish culture through … Continue reading

OPEN CALL Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology

This Call invites artists who particularly work with photography to respond to the theme of the International Association of Photography and Theory’s first collaborative project entitled Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology. The project will run from May to December … Continue reading

Pop-Up exhibitions at KU Leuven university

By Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven. As the new semester begins here at KU Leuven, we have kicked it off with a small surprise for the students: from the 13th until the 15th of February, two Pop-Up Museum photographic exhibitions have been on display in Agora, … Continue reading