Topic: photography

Panel session at DISH 2015 on Digital Cultural Heritage and its impact

It is of the utmost importance that the context of change generated by the advent of digitization and digital technologies, and its implication on the society at large, are discussed in as many occasions as possible. DISH2015 conference is a … Continue reading

Photographic Memories Workshop in Leuven

On Friday, November 27th the E-Space Photography Pilot in collaboration with the Leuven City Archive hosted the “Photographic Memories Workshop”. Seniors, students, citizens of Leuven and surrounding areas were invited to join for a voyage in time, through the stories … Continue reading

E-Space at EVA/Minerva 2015

On 8 and 9 November 2015 the EVA / MINERVA 12th annual international conference for professionals in cultural heritage took place at the Van Leer Institute in Jerusalem. At the event, focused on the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage … Continue reading

Photomediations: a call for creative works

The editors of Photomediations: An Open Book are working with the Europeana Space Best Practice Network to curate an exhibition (both online and physical), and recently were calling out to the photographic community to submit works for consideration. We were … Continue reading

ICOM-CC Photographic Materials Working Group / Call for Papers

The Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and the Photographic Materials Working Group of ICOM-CC are pleased to announce a Call for Papers for the 2016 Photographic Materials Working Group Interim Meeting, scheduled for 21 – 24 September 2016 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Meeting … Continue reading

Open & Hybrid Publishing Pilot: Interactive Student Seminars at Coventry University

by Kamila Kuc, Goldsmiths On 23th and 30th October 2015 Ross Varney (Coventry) and Kamila Kuc (Goldsmiths) ran interactive seminars for five groups of undergraduate students at Coventry University, in which they introduced the main outcome of the Open and … Continue reading

Photography Pilot on show at exhibition “Kunst in eigen Huis”

E-Space Photography Pilot was a guest exhibitor at the “Kunst in eigen Huis” (Art at Home) event on 22-23 October 2015 in Leuven, Belgium. The event was organized by KU Leuven groups of Seniores and students in Cultural Studies and wanted … Continue reading

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation – goes to DCDC2015

DCDC2015: Exploring new digital destinations for heritage and academia brought together over 70 speakers from across the UK, Europe and further afield exploring key questions facing the future of digital engagement. An interesting workshop entitled FROM DIGITIZATION TO THE CREATIVE RE-USE OF DIGITAL CULTURAL CONTENT AND CITIZENS PARTICIPATION presented several EU project and initiatives in the domain of (digital) cultural heritage, reserach and technologies. Continue reading

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation

E-Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA and Photoconsortium met in a panel at DH 2015 to discuss how to establish the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

IPR: good or bad for Creativity in the Digital World?

In a recently published post on the Cultural Studies Leuven blog, Prof. Fred Truyen (KU Leuven), coordinator of the E-Space project’s photography pilot, offers some reflections on his experience with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the successfully concluded EuropeanaPhotography project… Continue reading