Topic: photography

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation – goes to DCDC2015

DCDC2015: Exploring new digital destinations for heritage and academia brought together over 70 speakers from across the UK, Europe and further afield exploring key questions facing the future of digital engagement. An interesting workshop entitled FROM DIGITIZATION TO THE CREATIVE RE-USE OF DIGITAL CULTURAL CONTENT AND CITIZENS PARTICIPATION presented several EU project and initiatives in the domain of (digital) cultural heritage, reserach and technologies. Continue reading

From Digitization to Preservation, Creative Re-Use of Cultural Content, and Citizen Participation

E-Space, RICHES, Civic Epistemologies, PREFORMA and Photoconsortium met in a panel at DH 2015 to discuss how to establish the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

IPR: good or bad for Creativity in the Digital World?

In a recently published post on the Cultural Studies Leuven blog, Prof. Fred Truyen (KU Leuven), coordinator of the E-Space project’s photography pilot, offers some reflections on his experience with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in the successfully concluded EuropeanaPhotography project… Continue reading

Corsi e workshop Imago 2015/2016

Le iscrizioni sono aperte presso Associazione Imago, via Bovio 10, Pisa ( – 328 6610814) Continue reading

Innovate your photographic heritage and your future business!

Prof. Fred Truyen of KU Leuven recently published an interesting article on his Digital Culture blog, under the title “Europeana Space Photo pilot: Innovate your photographic heritage … and your future business!” The article tells the commitment the E-Space project is devoting through its Photo Pilot to demonstrating a range of possibilities offered by apps, Europeana API’s and a multitude of tools developed by the open source community to come up with innovative models involving historical and present-day photography, with monetising potential and investment appeal. Continue reading

Photomediations: An Open Book on tour

Photomediations: An Open Book, produced by one of the pilots of the Europeana Space, has recently enjoyed an enthusiastic response from a variety of international audience. Continue reading

African digital collages of past and present

Jepchumba of presents us the digital collage, in Africa a growing form of art that utilises technology to produce a range of artworks, incorporating digital video, animation, photography, animated gif’s and digital photo manipulation. Through digital new stories of Africa emerge, setting an alternative – and often critical – narration against the image of Africa we think to know. Continue reading

Urban Landscape photography and copyright

There’s a big buzz currently going on about the issue of Freedom of Panorama, connected to the neverendig story of copyright in the changing digital world, and particularly connected to photography and to user-generated content. Freedom of Panorama is a … Continue reading


Pisa’s cultural association Imago presents its XIII photographic marathon: 12 hours, 4 subjects, 1 passion. The event is taking place in Pisa (and online, for people not able to attend physically), on 16 May 2015, from 9.00 to 21.00 CEST. It is possible to participate both with digital and analogic camera. Attendees will meet at Bar La Tazza d’Oro) at 9.00 o’clock. Continue reading

XIII Maratona Fotografica IMAGO

L’Associazione Culturale Imago di Pisa presenta la sua XIII MARATONA FOTOGRAFICA! La maratona si terrà a Pisa (oppure online per chi non potesse partecipare fisicamente) sabato 16 maggio 2015, dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 21.00, presso il bar “La Tazza d’Oro” in Piazza Clari n°2. La Maratona Fotografica si svolge in un arco di tempo di dodici ore suddiviso in quattro sezioni, corrispondenti a quattro differenti temi da svolgere. Si può partecipare sia con fotocamera analogica che digitale.
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