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- Amalia Sabiescu Antonella Fresa Brussels co-creation Coventry University cultural heritage Digital Cultural Heritage digital technologies EC Horizon 2020 i2CAT Intangible Cultural Heritage IPR museums Neil Forbes performance-based CH performing arts policy briefs recalibrating relationships RICHES social and economic development social cohesion SSH taxonomy of terms and definitions Waag Society
Topic: riches news

The Select Committee was appointed by the House of Lords on 12 June 2014 “to consider and report on information and communications technology, competitiveness and skills in the United Kingdom”. Computer technology brings “huge opportunities for the UK, but also significant risks”, the Committee warns. The internet should be viewed as a utility service, alongside water and electricity, it says. But without action, the UK may fall behind in the new digital era. Continue reading

The RICHES International Conference held in Pisa (4-5 December 2014) concluded successfully the first year of activities of the project. Inspiring presentations delighted the audience with interesting reflections and best practice examples around the conference topic “Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating relationships”. Continue reading

RICHES Intellectual Property Rights strategy: the move from analogue to digital and new forms of IPR
The firsts outcomes of the IPR research conducted in the framework of the RICHES project are available on the project website. The RICHES project addresses the challenges that digital cultural practices pose to existing copyright law and argues for new perspectives on IPR. Continue reading

In the 21st century the world faces epochal changes which affect every part of society, including the arenas in which Cultural Heritage is made, held, collected, curated, exhibited, or simply exists. The RICHES project is preparing a publication about these changes, and has opened a call for contributions to the book. Continue reading

it is a portal for the people all over Israel and the globe. It enables Israel to be a leading member of the global community for digital culture and heritage, integrated with Europeana and functions a common platform for other cultural branches once they are moving toward the digital era. Continue reading

After twenty years of abandonment, and even forty in the case of the branch of La Hijuela, the traditional irrigation system of Barjas (Granada, Spain) was rehabilitated in collaboration with the National and Natural Park of Sierra Nevada and CEAMA. This campaign was undertaken between the months of February and March of 2014, using traditional techniques and knowledge provided by the local irrigators’ community. This activity involved 180 national and international volunteers and concluded with 5 kilometres of the channels restored, including the branch of La Hijuela. Continue reading

Neil Forbes, RICHES Project Coordinator, presented the project during the Final Conference of Europeana Photography, which took place in Leuven on 29-30 January 2015, hosted by CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography in Campus Library Arenberg. Continue reading