Topic: software & tools

Digital Echoes Symposium 2016: Dance Pilot and Games Pilot on show

by Hetty Blades and Rosamaria Cisneros, Coventry University (UK) The Europeana Space Dance and Games Pilot joined forces and organised the 6th edition of the Digital Echoes Symposium. The event took place at Coventry University in the UK on Friday … Continue reading

E-Space network enlarges: welcome to Rokiškis regional museum

Rokiškis regional museum is an institutional member of the Lithuanian Museums Association. The beginnings of Rokiškis Regional Museum date back to 1933, when enthusiasts assembled in the Society for Regional Studies and established the Museum of Regional Studies. The first … Continue reading

veraPDF version 0.10 released

The latest version of veraPDF is now available for download in the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. veraPDF is building the definitive, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of ISO 19005 (PDF/A). This version contains several feature enhancements (conformance checker, command line, and test corpus) as well as some bug fixes. This marks the end of the PREFORMA project’s first re-design phase. Continue reading

European Standardisation of cloud computing contracts, SLAs and procurement

This workshop offers an opportunity to learn of progress in the standardization of Cloud contracts and SLAs by ISO-liaison body SLALOM and cloud procurement by PICSE, two EC-backed initiatives. Delegates can contribute to the emerging standards and understand how they can use the emerging results within their organisations. Continue reading

CloudScape and Net Futures 2016 dissemination opportunities

The AppHub team is glad to welcome you and your partners involved in open source innovation in Brussels, at two upcoming events, with interactive support for your project and AppHub Store demontrations: CloudScape and NetFutures 2016. Do not miss these opportunities to deploy and run your software on multiple clouds, physical and virtual infrastructures. Continue reading

Europeana aligns with the International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF)

As part of the Europeana Cloud project, a document proposing data modelling solutions for representing digital objects (such as images) and full-text with a particular focus on Newspapers resources was just released. One of the use case focuses on the … Continue reading

STARTS prize 2016: deadline 4 March 2016 / Science, Technology and the ARTS.

20,000 euros await the winners of the STARTS Prize 2016. Appointed by the European Commission, Ars Electronica is launching an international prize to select the most pioneering collaborations and results in the field of creativity and innovation at the crossings … Continue reading

PREFORMA @ AppHub SQuAT Fest 2016

Benjamin Yousefi represented the PREFORMA project at the AppHub SQuAT Fest 2016. As main recommendation, PREFORMA should encourage its suppliers to use AppHub as an additional channel to distribute the conformance checkers, and to evaluate and incorporate the code quality and OSS risk management documents and best practices developed by the AppHub community. Continue reading

E-Space for Education: stories from the Athens workshop

by Barbara Dierickx (PACKED) On January 22nd 2016, the EuropeanaSpace Education team gathered in Athens. The day leading up to the Hack the Book event our partner Onassis Cultural Centre (OCC) co-hosted a public workshop, focussing on educators. Within E-Space, … Continue reading

e-AGE 2016: Call for Papers, Presentations, Posters and Participation

Integrating Arab e-infrastructure in a Global Environment, e-AGE, is an annual international event organized by the Arab States Research and Education Network, ASREN. Since its launch in December 2010 at the League of Arab States, It goes in line with … Continue reading