Topic: software & tools

Join us in testing and improving the conformance checkers

PREFORMA is looking for memory institutions willing to be involved in testing the open source conformance checkers which are currently under development, by checking the process of the conformity tests with your own files and by considering your requirements for the technical iterations. Join us! Continue reading

File formats factors, notification and recommendation

Heather Ryan, Assistant Professor in the Library and Information Science Program in the University of Denver’s Morgridge College of Education, launched a survey designed to collect information on file format evaluation factors, and perceptions of trust and usefulness of a semi-automatic file format warning and recommendation system. Continue reading

Digital Humanities Summer School @ LINHD UNED

The course is being held in Madrid, at LINHD (Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales), from 13 to 17 July 2015, with the sponsorship of DiXiT – Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network. The various programme sessions aim to complete the participants’ training, in order for them to become familiar with text transformation via different languages (HTML, CSS, XSLT) and formats (ePub). The competences acquired will enable the students to know the whole digital editing process and to generate several kind editions (scientific, didactic). Continue reading

First Business Modeling Workshop of Europeana Space

The first BMW featured the three finalists that participated in the Europeana TV Hacking Culture Bootcamp in Amsterdam at The Waag Society on May 8, 9, 10. These three finalists were Bosch, ART(F)INDER, and Mnemosyne. Over the next week Remix and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision will review the final business model canvases for each project and decide which will win the coveted Europeana Space Incubation Support Package provided by Remix and the project consortium. Continue reading


CUTE is a yearly mas­ter­class series on cul­ture and tech­nol­ogy, orga­nized by the Nume­di­art research insti­tute, and brings together a panel of world-renowned experts in var­i­ous high-tech fields and get them to meet all kinds of audi­ences (research, arts, indus­try) … Continue reading

Europeana TV pilot testing the Berlin Wall application for smart TV

In February 2015, a lab test was designed to investigate the usability of the Berlin Wall application, which is representative of an interactive TV application using valuable cultural heritage content. The test was conducted with the on-air application. Test participants were … Continue reading

weLand connects “prosumers” into a glocal network

weLand Association is a cultural NGO founded in Asti, South Piedmont (Italy), in August 2012. Its aim is to develop a regional network of individuals and groups interested in aggregating, sharing and reusing open data for GLAMs, education institutions and tourism stakeholders. The idea of the association arises from the firm belief that innovation (and so the elements which innovation is generated by, culture and creativity) should take into account a bottom-up engagement of the community, in order to fully realise its potential and to become a real driver of social and economic development. Continue reading

Cut&Paste: Dance Advocacy in the Age of Austerity, conference in Athens

by Rosemary Cisneros, Coventry University. The ESpace Dance Pilot travelled to Athens, Greece early June 2015 to attend the Society of Dance History Scholars and Congress of Research in Dance conference. The title of the conference Cut & Paste: Dance Advocacy … Continue reading

Crowdsourcing for Academic, Library and Museum Environments

This workshop, run as part of the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2015 (20 -24 July 2015), will enable participants to experience crowdsourcing in microcosm all the way from project conception to launch to data analysis. It will be of particular interest to academics, librarians and museum professionals who see the potential for crowdsourcing to expedite data extraction from non-machine readable collections. The workshop will be run by Dr Victoria Van Hyning, Digital Humanities Project Lead at (University of Oxford), and Sarah de Haas, a technical specialist from Google with a background in humanities. Continue reading

Massive Open Online Course on eTourism Communication Perspectives

Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni of Università della Svizzera Italiana is glad to announce the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on eTourism Communication Perspectives. The course, fully free and open, will be delivered in October-November 2015; it will last 8 weeks and will require approximately three hours study time per week. This Swiss-made MOOC will take you on a terrific journey into eTourism and online communication. You will feel the pulse of ICTs and enjoy the beauty of Switzerland as a globally renowned tourism destination. Time to travel. Join today. Continue reading