Topic: software & tools

When Digital meets artistic treasures: Anagni, the City of Popes, virtual tour

The project “Navig@nagni” was born in 2009 to let the world know the artistic trasures of the “City of Popes” through the web. This has been by scanning the major historical and artistic sites with a laser scanner which, in addition to a perfect 3D modeling, has allowed a scan hundreds of equirectangular pictures, using a special software developed by Massimo Iachetta, head of the ICT department of the City of Anagni. Continue reading

Long-term sustainability through OSS implementations of open file formats

This article gives some motivation for why open file formats are important to the EU and why open file formats and Open Source implementations are important for long-term sustainability.
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Succeed survey on content/tools licensing and innovative usages

The Succeed project is undertaking a survey on the use of licenses in the field of digitisation and on innovative usages of digitised content. The aim of this survey is to gather information about current practices for licensing data, metadata and tools and on new trends in the exploitation of digitised content. Continue reading

PREFORMA Call for Tender published on!

The PREFORMA project informs that the call for tender has been published. Suppliers who want to prepare a proposal can find all the related information and documents in the Tender section of the PREFORMA website. Deadline for submission is August 12th, 2014. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – May 2014

Welcome to the June edition of the EUDAT News Bulletin! These short email bulletins are sent monthly to keep the community updated about the latest news and developments from EUDAT. Continue reading

Scan it, print it, wear it: the future of fashion is 3D

Models can catwalk through holograms of themselves, T-shirts can hug you and couture is being designed virtually and then printed using a 3D printer – no needle and thread involved. These marvels are developing at full speed, changing the way we see, design, make and buy clothes. Continue reading

CHAIN-REDS bi-annual e-Newsletter

CHAIN-REDS and DCH-RP cooperates together to promote and support technological and scientific collaboration across different e-Infrastructures established and operated in various continents, in order to define a path towards a global e-Infrastructures ecosystem that will allow Virtual Research Community, research groups and single researchers to access and efficiently use worldwide distributed resources. Continue reading

A joint creative workshop about digital photography

Guided by prof. Fred Truyen in his double role of Europeana Photography coordinator and Europeana Space pilot leader, the participants met in the Museum room of the Faculty of Arts at KU Leuven. This joint workshop is just a first step in a close cooperation between the two projects, Europeana Photography and Europeana Space, and a concrete action for searching new business opportunities involving digital cultural heritage. Continue reading

Networking session at the EGI CF 2014

The networking session organised by PREFORMA in the frame of the EGI Community Forum in Helsinki presented to the interested audience the new opportunities offered by the PCP launched by PREFORMA. Download here the presentations that were delivered during the session. Continue reading