Topic: software & tools

PREFORMA Kick-Off Meeting

The University of Padova hosts the kick-off meeting of a new Pre-Commercial Procurement project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme to address the challenge of implementing good quality standardised file formats for preserving data content in the long term. The main objective of PREFORMA is to give memory institutions full control of the process of the conformity tests of files to be ingested into archives. Continue reading

OpenForum Academy Event

The University of Skovde will present PREFORMA during an event organised by OpenForum Academy network to raise an awareness of the project amongst participants and to highlight and discuss the opportunities for small and large companies to become involved in the tender. Continue reading

Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age 2014

The first DiXiT camp took place in Cambridge/London from Sunday, 27 April 2014 – Friday, 2 May 2014. Its programme included the fifth MMSDA course, short for Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age. Continue reading

PREFORMA @ FOSDEM Conference 2014

Representatives from the project will participate at FOSDEM 2014 in Brussels, a two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of open source software, in order to promote opportunities for open source development in the context of the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

PREFORMA invited to the EC Concertation Meeting on PCP

PREFORMA has been invited to a concertation meeting for ongoing PCP projects organised by the Innovation Unit of the European Commission. Three project representatives will attend the meeting to collect information about good practices and to bring up problems or questions. Continue reading

PREFORMA Requirements Workshop

On March 5th, 2014 PREFORMA will organise a workshop in Brussels targeted to memory institutions to agree on the expected behavior and functionality of the tools to be developed in the coming years by the software suppliers that will be selected out of the procurement that will be launched by the project. Continue reading

Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality Workshop

RICHES’ partner I2CAT (Internet and Digital Innovation in Catalonia, research organisation promoting research and innovation in advanced internet technology) organised a workshop in Barcelona, on “Mobile Apps and Augmented Reality”. Continue reading

EUDAT Call for Collaboration Projects

EUDAT is inviting research communities, research projects and individual researchers to make use of its data services that are available at a European scale and is offering free resources and expertise to pilot collaboration projects as part of its Collaborative Data Infrastructure where users, community centres and large data centres collaboratively tackle data challenges. Continue reading

PREFORMA Call for Tender, Information Day

On April 4th 2014 PREFORMA project will organise an Information Day to present the call for tender that will be launched as part of the Pre-Commercial Procurement. Participation is open to everybody who is interested to participate to the call and to become a PREFORMA supplier but will be subject to registration. Continue reading

DAVID Test Workshop

DAVID project will hold its first test workshop on the 20th and 21st of May in Vienna. This represents for PREFORMA a good opportunity to disseminate the project, to understand what DAVID is doing and to evaluate possible opportunities of cooperation. Continue reading