Topic: software & tools

British Museum reveals 35,000 places for virtual visits

The British Museum and Samsung reopen the award-winning Samsung Digital Discovery Centre (SDDC) after a significant upgrade, and announce an ambitious new digital learning programme that brings together the world of museums with the world of technology. The new SDDC … Continue reading

Save the Date for PASIG 2020 in Madrid

The next Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) meeting will take place in Madrid on 19-21 May 2020. The Biblioteca Digital Memoria de Madrid, Centro Cultural Conde Duque is the event host. The PASIG Steering Committee is pleased to connect with … Continue reading

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities – ARTIDIGH 2020

A special session at the 12th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART) is called on: Artificial Intelligence and Digital Heritage: Challenges and Opportunities – ARTIDIGH 2020 This special session welcomes papers that reflect upon, discuss and present the … Continue reading

Discovering the Met’s website and online resources

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Dear readers, I once again speak about New York and in particular about the Met, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, which digitized a large number of historical documents in the last two years and made them … Continue reading

Civita di Bagnoregio, a pearl in the middle of Lazio region (Italy)

Text by Caterina Sbrana, photos by Fabrizio Sbrana. Dear readers, this time I’ll take you to a village that I consider an authentic open-air museum, where alleys, palaces, small squares and the bell tower tell us of a distant past … Continue reading

STARTS residencies at FUTUR.E.S festival in Paris

We are very happy to present two STARTS Residencies projects during Futur.e.s festival on 13th and 14th June, at the Galerie des Gobelins in Paris. Created by Cap Digital, Futur.e.s festival offers for two days interactive summits that mix inspirational … Continue reading

European Research and Innovation Days

The European Research & Innovation Days draft programme is now available! This programme will be updated in the coming weeks and registrations will open in early June. When you register you will receive an automated email acknowledging receipt of your … Continue reading

Machine Vision 2019 – digital exhibition in Paris

Digital artist Miguel Chevalier has a solo exhibition « Machine Vision 2019 » at Galerie Mordoch in Paris, where he is presenting his latest research into the theme of the digitized body, a theme he has been exploring since the 1980s. … Continue reading

EuropeanaTech and Pelagios, together for Linked Open Data

The current issue of EuropeanaTech Insight newsletter is solely dedicated to the Pelagios community and was done in close collaboration with the Pelagios team. Pelagios is a community and infrastructure for Linked Open Geodata in the Humanities, which means that … Continue reading


The Open Preservation Foundation will be running two online hack weeks during 2019. The first, which will take place on 8-12 April, will focus on development. A second hack week will take place in September, with a goal to update … Continue reading