Topic: virtual reality

FILE International Electronic Language Festival

  Registration to participate in FILE – International Electronic Language Festival projects in 2024 is now open. The festival seeks original works of art and educational projects (lectures and workshops) in Art and Technology, by Brazilian and international artists. It … Continue reading

“For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return”: new arebyte online exhibition launched

  arebyte and Shanghai-based Chronus Art Center (CAC) collaborate to develop, curate and produce a hybrid group exhibition: For Data You Are, And To Data You Shall Return (为数据所生,亦归数据而去), which explores global ideas surrounding life, death and healing. For Data You Are, And To Data You … Continue reading

Mammary Mountain: the new exhibition coming to NEoN Digital Arts

  A new interactive exhibition coming to NEoN Digital Arts Workshop & Event space, at Keiller Centre, Dundee,  on 25th November. NEoN Digital Arts is a charitable organisation whose aims are to advance the understanding and accessibility of digital and … Continue reading

Mixed reality educational game in the Rogatec Open-Air Museum

Text and media by Rok Kremžar, Pro Virtuala Digitalisation of cultural heritage has been a growing trend in recent years, allowing museums and other institutions to share their collections with a wider audience. One of the latest innovations in this … Continue reading

A journey into the Hades in the Hypogeum of Cerberus: The Spatial Augmented Reality experience

Text and images by Donato Maniello (Studio Glowarp, Academy of Fines Arts-Naples, Italy, multimedia contents) This work discussion is a hypothesis of reconstruction of the missing part of the frieze of the Hypogeum of Cerberus located in Canosa di Puglia … Continue reading

Florence Heri-Tech 2022

Florence Heri-Tech was launched in 2018 by the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Florence (DIEF) and Florence Biennial Art and Restoration Fair. The idea is to create a synergy between Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. The Conference involves … Continue reading

A new virtual tour at the heart of Museo Egizio in Turin

A new virtual tour is now available on the website of the Museo Egizio in Turin. It allows the public to remotely visit the most iconic sections of the collection, also including those dedicated to the village of Deir el-Medina and … Continue reading

#MuVArch – a virtual museum of architecture

A virtual museum was recently presented by the Italian Council of Architects CNAPPC – Consiglio Nazionale Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori. The museum is named #MuVArch, and will allow to virtually walk into exhibition rooms supported with an interactive audioguide. … Continue reading

Virus Attack! First computer pandemics

Espacio Byte, digital art museum, presents a new exhibition on computer viruses. An approach to the aesthetic dimension of disruptive phenomena in the digital ecosystem. The curatorial project raises an analogy between pandemics in the biological and digital sphere, and … Continue reading

Sacrebleu Digital Art 3D contest, open for submission

Sacrebleu consulting Art agency based in New York city is calling to artists for a 3D art contest with prize of 400 $. We are on the final stage to launch a new mobile app with Augmented-Reality, based on geolocation … Continue reading