Topic: virtual reality

#MuVArch – a virtual museum of architecture

A virtual museum was recently presented by the Italian Council of Architects CNAPPC – Consiglio Nazionale Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori. The museum is named #MuVArch, and will allow to virtually walk into exhibition rooms supported with an interactive audioguide. … Continue reading

Virus Attack! First computer pandemics

Espacio Byte, digital art museum, presents a new exhibition on computer viruses. An approach to the aesthetic dimension of disruptive phenomena in the digital ecosystem. The curatorial project raises an analogy between pandemics in the biological and digital sphere, and … Continue reading

Sacrebleu Digital Art 3D contest, open for submission

Sacrebleu consulting Art agency based in New York city is calling to artists for a 3D art contest with prize of 400 $. We are on the final stage to launch a new mobile app with Augmented-Reality, based on geolocation … Continue reading

Anthropocene, a multimedia exhibition that investigates the impact of human footprint on the Earth

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Bologna, January 4. Welcome to MAST Foundation (Arts, Experience and Technology), an international cultural and philanthropic institution that focuses on art, technology and innovation. Welcome to Anthropocene, a multimedia exploration of the human footprint on Earth. … Continue reading

Florence Heri-Tech 2020, new dates

NEW DATES! 14-16 October 2020 The International Conference Florence Heri-tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, involves a large number of researches and scholars from around the world and puts the industry’s current issues under spotlight, specifically on issues … Continue reading

British Museum reveals 35,000 places for virtual visits

The British Museum and Samsung reopen the award-winning Samsung Digital Discovery Centre (SDDC) after a significant upgrade, and announce an ambitious new digital learning programme that brings together the world of museums with the world of technology. The new SDDC … Continue reading

Rome Reborn original project and new apps

Rome Reborn Project was an international initiative launched in 1996 with the goal of creating 3D digital models to illustrate the urban development of ancient Rome. According to the advice of the project’s advisory committee, the work of modeling begun … Continue reading

Future Technologies Conference (FTC) series, edition 2019

The Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2019 is to be held from 14-15 November 2019 in San Francisco. FTC is the world’s pre-eminent forum for reporting technological breakthroughs in the areas of Computing, Electronics, AI, Robotics, Security & Communications. FTC attracts … Continue reading

ViMM consultation and event about the future of Digital Cultural Heritage

Virtual Multimodal Museum Coordination and Support Action project (, funded under Horizon 2020, has completed over two years’ work to provide strategic guidance for the European Commission and the wider cultural heritage community, on the future direction of Digital Cultural … Continue reading

*/ 15th Athens Digital Arts Festival | Open Call for Entries

The */ 15th Athens Digital Arts Festival invites you to submit your proposals for its next edition that takes place in spring 2019 in Athens, under the theme “The World is a Hologram”. Deadline for submissions is on 15 of January … Continue reading