Area: digital heritage

Pre-announcement of the call for tender

We are happy to announce that PREFORMA call for tender Prior Information Notice has been published on the Tender Electronic Daily (TED), the Internet version of the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Communities. Continue reading

ICRI2014 – 2nd International Conference on Research Infrastructures

ICRI 2014 offered a high level international forum where key stakeholders could meet, discuss and contribute to bringing forward global issues related to Research Infrastructures. Co-organised by the European Commission and the Greek EU Presidency of the European Union, it … Continue reading

Joint cooperation between DCH-RP and APARSEN

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed to formalise the fruitful cooperation started in the past months between the two projects funded by the European Commission, with the aim to set-up of a Proof-of-Concept in DCH-RP, based on the work and prototypes developed in APARSEN, and to develop a common registry of services and tools focused on digital preservation. Continue reading

MoU between DCH-RP and SCAPE

After the successful workshops and networking sessions jointly organised by DCH-RP and SCAPE, the two projects are now planning the next joint activities, such as the possibility to set-up of a Proof-of-Concept in DCH-RP based on the work and prototypes developed in SCAPE and the organisation of other joint events. Continue reading

APARSEN webinar on Storage Solutions for Digital Preservation

Storage is a central component in any preservation solution, and requires special functionalities in order to adequately address the need of a preservation system. This webinar aims to provide recommendations towards adopting storage solutions that can better serve digital preservation. Continue reading

PREFORMA factsheet translated in Dutch

The factsheet presenting the project and the call for tender is now available also in Dutch thanks to the work of the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision. The factsheet has been published both in the NISV project pages and in the DEN Project repository. Continue reading

Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2014

DHOxSS is for researchers, project managers, research assistants, students, and anyone interested in Digital Humanities. DHOxSS delegates are introduced to a range of topics including the creation, management, analysis, modelling, visualization, or publication of digital data in the humanities. Continue reading

German Cultural Heritage on the way to the Europeana

Digital photographs, film and sound recordings, books and museum objects are no longer hidden in archives, libraries and museums, or scattered on different websites, but more accessible and used in various ways by central services and Internet portals thanks to … Continue reading

Chalmers Initiative Seminar on Big Data

Everywhere we look, the quantity of data is exponentially growing, fueled by the pervasive diffusion of digitalization in modern life. The fields of science, engineering, technology and even social sciences and humanities are undergoing a profound transformation to a data … Continue reading

Europeana Space Kick-off meeting

Beside the project members, participants in the meeting were the EU Officer Marcel Waletet and the deputy director of Europeana Foundation Harry Verwayen. The kick-off meeting was already the place to start the organization of the first public event of Europeana Space: the appointment is in Venice, in October 2014 with a great opening conference organized by the hosting partner Università Ca’ Foscari. Continue reading