Area: digital heritage

Collaboration established between INCULTUM and IMPACTOUR for synergies in cultural tourism

The EU-funded IMPACTOUR project is connecting Cultural Tourism stakeholders and researchers, envisaging new approaches and methods that will support European Cultural Tourism, reinforce a feeling of belonging, value minority cultures and promote Europeanisation. IMPACTOUR is coordinated by Uninova – Instituto … Continue reading

EuroMed2022: Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection

NEW DATES: The international conference EuroMed 2022 will be held in Cyprus from the 7th to 11th November 2022. View the agenda for EUROMED: The event, announced by the newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on … Continue reading

International conference EuroMed2022: call for papers

The international conference EuroMed 2022 will be held in Cyprus 7-11 November 2022. The event, announced by the newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage, will be dedicated on Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and … Continue reading

Accelerazione Pericolosa, photographic exhibition about climate change

The Piaggio Foundation organized and hosts at Museo Piaggio in Pontedera (Italy), until 8th April 2022, a photographic exhibition by Fabrizio Sbrana dedicated to the theme of climate change. The exhibition is composed by 30 large photographic panels complemented by … Continue reading

Collaboration established for synergies in cultural tourism, between INCULTUM and CREATOUR Observatory

The CREATOUR Observatory – Observatory on culture and tourism for local development is an initiative coordinated by the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra. It focuses on 3 thematic fields: 1) Ecologies of Culture and Creativity; 2) … Continue reading

Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place – summer school

Cultural mapping as a methodology and paradigm holds tremendous power to create conditions for change by bringing communities together in new ways to co-create new knowledge and understanding. At its core, cultural mapping aims to make visible the ways that … Continue reading

INCULTUM and TExTOUR join forces

Cultural tourism is about managing cultural heritage and tourism in an integrated way. It’s about working with local communities to create benefits for everyone involved, and this helps preserve tangible and intangible cultural heritage while developing tourism. It is a … Continue reading

3D reconstructions for storytelling and understanding

This webinar explored some of the ways that 3D reconstructions are being used for story telling and to aid understanding. Two speakers gave short presentations: Catherine Anne Cassidy, Open Virtual Worlds team, University of St Andrews, ‘Dissemination methods for 3D … Continue reading

PAGODE project lives on

On the 2nd December 2021, the validation meeting of project PAGODE – Europeana China took place with participation of HaDEA Project Officer Ms. Kyriaki Tragouda and representatives of European Commission DG CNECT Ms. Katerina Moutogianni and Mr. Fulgencio Sanmartín. The … Continue reading

Languages & the Media 2022 – call for papers EXTENDED DEADLINE 28/2

With big hopes that the 2022 edition of Languages & the Media will be held in presence in Berlin, a call for papers is announced. The conference will be held under the overall theme “Media Localization: Welcome back to the … Continue reading