Area: digital heritage

The Role of Artist Residencies in the Promotion of Roma Contemporary Art

For centuries, art-loving benefactors regarded the offering of guest studios to individual artists as a kind of romantic patronage, enabling artists to live and create in bucolic settings. Artist residencies provide artists with the time, space, and materials they need … Continue reading

ReInHerit – Redefining the future of cultural heritage

ReInHerit – Redefining the future of cultural heritage is a H2020 Project , Coordinated by Bank Of Cyprus Cultural Foundation, with the aim of connecting the collections and sites of the European tangible and intangible cultural heritage and presenting it … Continue reading

Mapping Fashion Heritage through Patterns

On 27 November 2021, at MoMu-bibliotheek & Dries Van Noten Study Center, Nationalestraat 28, 2000 Antwerp took place Mapping Fashion Heritage Through Patterns, a workshop organised by EFHA – European Fashion Heritage Association and ModeMuseum Antwerp, in collaboration with KU Leuven, University of … Continue reading

Situ Zhaoguang retrospective exhibition in Beijing

Situ Zhaoguang is one of the most renowned sculptors of China. His oeuvres are considered true masterpieces and he spent most of his life teaching students at the Sculpture Department at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. Now, … Continue reading

WEAVE at Europeana 2021: Recover, Rebuild, Grow

Europeana 2021 will explore how the cultural heritage sector can recover, rebuild and grow in a post-pandemic world. The rich programme of talks, panel discussions and presentations promises a great engagement with all the attendees. 70% of the programme for … Continue reading

Europeana 2021: Recover, Rebuild, Grow

Europeana 2021 will explore how the cultural heritage sector can recover, rebuild and grow in a post-pandemic world. Each day will begin with an address from a leading keynote speaker to inspire and inform your experience. 70% of the programme … Continue reading

WEAVE presented at Europeana Aggregators Forum

The Europeana Aggregators Forum is the network of national, thematic and domain aggregators: organizations which enable cultural heritage institutions to share their content with Europeana and open it up to new audiences. Twice a year all of them meet to … Continue reading

Safeguarding Our Romani Language, online conference

On November 5, the World Day of Romani Language, the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) is organizing the Second International Conference “Safeguarding Our Romani Language”, in partnership with the Council of Europe and the University of Graz. The conference is … Continue reading

The great potential of the online museum shop

by Emmy van Arent and Trilce Navarrete (Erasmus University Rotterdam). The COVID-19 pandemic forced museums to close their doors, limiting the dialogue with the public and severely reducing the revenue that is normally generated from ticket sales. Museums responded by … Continue reading

WEAVE presented at Europeana Generic Services projects meeting

This invite-only event brings together representatives of all running and new Generic Services projects, the funding agency European Health and Digital Executive Agency – HaDEA, and the European Commission. WEAVE project was presented on day 1 the 11th October with … Continue reading