Area: digital heritage

Podcast released: YCC Episode with Miguel Angel Vargas

WEAVE project is organizing a series of LabDays to engage communities with their tangible and intangible heritage and present novel ways of cultural heritage representation in the digital realm. The ERIAC LabDay scheduled for Monday October 11th will have a … Continue reading

Discovering Chinese Heritage in Europeana – video recordings

See the full programme here: Recordings of the event are made available on the same page. PAGODE is a Generic Service project granted by the European Commission in the frame of the Connecting Europe Facility Programme, in support to … Continue reading

PAGODE at Museo della Grafica in Pisa

img. from the event All photos by Rudy Pessina. As a complementary event in the framework of PAGODE final conference, an exclusive invite-only meeting at the Museo della Grafica in Pisa was organized on 23rd September 2021, to present the … Continue reading

Online Survey on Master Courses on Digital Humanities and Digital Cultural Heritage

Within the framework of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at the Cyprus University of Technology, as well as the current work in different EU funded projects in the area of Digital Cultural Heritage, we are working to investigate … Continue reading

WEAVE LabDay presenting Europeana

WEAVE project is organizing a series of LabDays to engage communities with their tangible and intangible heritage and present novel ways of cultural heritage representation in the digital realm. This workshop organized by Europeana engaged minority communities and Cultural Heritage … Continue reading

Roma Self-representation in the History of the Venice Biennale – WEAVE LabDay

WEAVE project is organizing a series of LabDays to engage communities with their tangible and intangible heritage. In this LabDay organized by partner ERIAC, a discussion is launched to promote a more permanent exhibition of Roma art and heritage in … Continue reading

Digital Innovation of Cultural Heritage: 3D Modelling

WEAVE project is organizing a series of LabDays to engage communities with their tangible and intangible heritage and present novel ways of cultural heritage representation in the digital realm. In this LabDay organized by partner ARCTUR (Slovenia) in collaboration with … Continue reading

Immaterial Future Innovation Award ceremony

Immaterial Future Association spotlights CultTech entrepreneurs through its new IF Innovation Award initiative Immaterial Future Association announced 6 startup finalists of the IF Innovation Award The finalists represent 6 countries from the Americas and Europe. The winner will be announced … Continue reading

INCULTUM and Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea join forces

The aim of the Tourism 4.0 for the Black Sea project is to demonstrate the potential of Data Analytics for tourism development in the area of Black Sea. To achieve this, pilot services will be tested and the dialogue with … Continue reading