Area: digital heritage

Europeana cafe on the New European Bauhaus

The European Commission has initiated a New European Bauhaus movement to shape future ways of living that answer the challenges we face today. Think green, sustainable and affordable, alongside accessible, inclusive and beautiful. Find out what it’s all about, what … Continue reading

Using AI to monitor historic towns and landscapes: #Connecting Archaeology

This webinar explores some of the ways that artificial intelligence is being used with aerial and satellite imagery to monitor landscapes. Three speakers will give short presentations after which there will be time for questions and discussion. “AI and satellite … Continue reading

Seminar about Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778)

PIRANESI RITORNO AL FUTURO / DE VOLTA AO FUTURO The Museo della Grafica in Pisa and the Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo di São Paulo organize a live event to discover the art of venetian engraver Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778). … Continue reading

WEAVE, a project of relevance for cultural communities

There are many challenges faced during the digital transformation that cultural heritage institutions (CHIs) have embarked on, and more so when considering Intangible Cultural Heritage, most notably the fact that a solid methodology for documenting is missing. Capturing and documenting … Continue reading

PAGODE Digital Festival

An engaging programme of short online events is offered by PAGODE – Europeana China project, to discover the variety and richness of Chinese heritage in Europe. Open attendance without prior registration, link to Zoom freely available in the Programme. PAGODE … Continue reading

PAGODE – Europeana China at the basis of a students project

EU funded PAGODE – Europeana China project is making an impact on education, being included in a students project for the Master in Cultural Studies at KU Leuven. The organizing students of this “PAGODE group” are Gelan Cen, Lilia Chalakova, Shau Zou … Continue reading

Research and digital cultural heritage: new impact horizons

On 11 and 12 May 2021, Europeana will bring together cultural heritage professionals, policy makers, academics and researchers to discuss impact horizons of research when nurtured by digital cultural heritage. Digital content and technology democratise access to cultural heritage and … Continue reading

Immaterial Future Innovation Award

April 19–June 1, 2021 Immaterial Future association is calling for innovative solutions that contribute to unleash the full power of culture. The winner will receive €50,000 non-equity funding to be awarded during the ceremony at viennacontemporary art fair in September, … Continue reading

Europeana Research Grants 2021

The Europeana Research Grants Programme is intended for cultural heritage and/or research institutions, comprising universities and foundations. The theme for 2021 call for proposal is Crowdsourcing & Research, with a focus on encouraging cross-sectorial collaborations. While crowdsourcing is generally meant … Continue reading

WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana

    Today 14th April 2021 the kick-off meeting of WEAVE takes place online, hosted by project coordinator IN2. This project aims to develop a framework to link the tangible and intangible heritage of cultural communities, safeguarding the rich and … Continue reading