Area: digital heritage

e-AGE 2019 registrations are open

Register Now and join us at our 9th International Conference e-AGE19 at Khalifa University (جامعة خليفة )  hosted by Ankabut 11-12 December 2019 in Abu Dhabi. e-AGE19 theme is “Groundbreaking Research and Education Networks” and all activities will be centered … Continue reading

Sharing The GIFT box to all museums and cultural heritage professional

The GIFT Box is a set of free, open-source tools and ways of working to help museums offer richer digital experiences for their visitors. It includes resources to help design, plan and implement enhanced visitor experiences. The GIFT Box provides: … Continue reading

BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC exhibition about the 1950s in Europe

“BLUE SKIES, RED PANIC” photographic exhibition, realized in the framework of the 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project, was opened at La Mercè Cultural Center in Girona on Tuesday 12th November, organized by CRDI / Ajuntament de Girona. During the inauguration, … Continue reading

Patrimoine vivant de la France

Text by Caterina Sbrana. In our virtual tour across the intangible cultural heritage, after the story of the experience of  South China Research Center of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, we get to discover  the Patrimoine Culturel … Continue reading

MuseumDigit Conference 2019 and Europeana Data Day

Registration is now open for MuseumDigit 2019, a museum conference on digital trends and innovations held at the Hungarian National Museum on November 26 & 27, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary. Don’t miss your chance to hear the changemakers of the museum … Continue reading

EVA Florence 2020 – POSTPONED

POSTPONED – new dates to be confirmed EVA FLORENCE: the annual event about Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference, Training and Workshops Palazzo Bastogi, 6 – 7 May 2020 Who Should Attend: – The Cultural Sector – The Government … Continue reading

Archiving 2020

Join an international community of technical experts, managers, practitioners, and academics from cultural heritage institutions, universities, and commercial enterprises, to explore and discuss the digitization, preservation, and access of 
2-dimensional, 3-dimensional, and audio-visual materials, including documents, photographs, books, paintings, videos, … Continue reading

Intangible Cultural Heritage database

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Foreword: We begin a multimedia journey that will lead us through some databases that contain extraordinary documents related to intangible cultural heritage. We will first see how the South China Research Center of the Hong Kong … Continue reading

Have your say: EC consultation about digital culture

img. from Europeana Pro blog. The European Union is now consulting on what the priorities will be for the first two years of the Digital Europe Programme, the new funding programme currently preparing for 2021-2022. Sufficient support for digital culture … Continue reading

Enslaved Africans across the Atlantic world

text by Caterina Sbrana. We already mentioned in the past about the theme of the slave trade heritage digitization  projects, that is a topic of extensive research especially for American Institutions. One of these projects developed the site, that … Continue reading