Area: digital heritage

Join networking events for INTERREG upcoming calls

Two online events are organized by INTERREG Europe in sight of the second call for project proposals. The call will be open from 15 March to 9 June 2023. A series of thematic networking events in November and December are … Continue reading

SPOT H2020 project Final Conference

The final event of project  SPOT ( is organized in Vienna inviting all professionals and scholars of Cultural Tourism in Europe. This project was implemented in 2020-2022 in 13 EU countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italia, the Netherlands, … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot at CITCEM conference “Cultures of Water”

The Transdisciplinary Research Centre “Culture, Space and Memory” of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Porto (CITCEM) invited the academic community to its 10th Conference, centred on the theme of “Cultures of Water: Heritage, Environment and … Continue reading

Erasmus+ Project “From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage” enables collaborations among the schools in Italy, Turkey and Bulgaria

text and all images courtesy of the project From Intangible Expression to Digital Cultural Heritage The aim in this Project is to boost introduction of national as well as European intangible cultural heritage subjects with innovative technological methods. Also we … Continue reading

A journey into the Hades in the Hypogeum of Cerberus: The Spatial Augmented Reality experience

Text and images by Donato Maniello (Studio Glowarp, Academy of Fines Arts-Naples, Italy, multimedia contents) This work discussion is a hypothesis of reconstruction of the missing part of the frieze of the Hypogeum of Cerberus located in Canosa di Puglia … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage to Innovate and to Stimulate International Cooperation

ILUCIDARE was a three-year EU-funded H2020 project aimed at establishing an international network promoting heritage as a resource for innovation and in international relations through a diversity of collaborative activities. The policy recommendations resulting from the project’s activities are now … Continue reading

Digital transformation in the Data Space – symposium

A discussion event and learning opportunity in the morning of 11 November 2022 to explore challenges and opportunities around data collection, and how data can support the digital transformation of cultural heritage institutions. The upcoming Europeana online symposium during the … Continue reading

Policy roundtable of EU-funded projects on sustainable cultural tourism

Text and image courtesy of Joao Martins, UNINOVA Lisbon. On Tuesday October 11th 2022, a policy round table was held between European Policy Makers and representatives of the six projects that were funded in the Transformations-04 call dedicated to sustainable … Continue reading

EUROMED 2022 Cultural Tourism workshop – updated agenda

The event was organized in the framework of EUROMED (7-11 November 2022) by H2020 project INCULTUM, to discuss about the role of community engagement and citizen participation in enhancing and promoting sustainable tourism in peripheral areas that are not often … Continue reading

European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

The European Commission, on the request of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, launched an initiative for a digital infrastructure that will connect cultural heritage institutions and professionals across Europe and develop specific digital tools for this … Continue reading