Topic: past events

ESTS 2016 / DiXiT 3: Digital Scholarly Editing: Theory, Practice, Methods

This thirteenth annual conference of the European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), is organized in conjunction with the Digital Scholarly Editing Initial Training Network (DiXiT) and hosted by the Centre for Manuscript Genetics at the University of Antwerp, Belgium. 5-7 … Continue reading

Culture 4D: Digitization, Data, Disruptions, Diversity / 3rd Council of Europe Platform Exchange on Culture and Digitisation

The high-level international digital culture conference “Culture 4D: Digitization, Data, Disruptions, Diversity” is taking place on 29-30 September in Tallinn, Estonia. The event is organised in the framework of the Estonian Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council … Continue reading

Beijing Media Art Biennale 2016 is opening in September

From our correspondent Elisa Debernardi The “Beijing Media Art Biennale” aims through an interdisciplinary, cross-cutting artistic and theoretical practice to generate a dialogue and interface between the public and industry. It will be held at the World Art Museum and … Continue reading

European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry

The 1st edition of the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is a unique event for sharing knowledge and seeking new collaboration and partnerships. It provides opportunities for addressing the common challenges that qualitative researchers face in their own geographical regions or … Continue reading

VICTA 2016: 3rd International Workshop on Visions on Internet of Cultural Things and Applications / call for papers

This workshop is collocated with SITIS 2016 – The 12th International Conference on SIGNAL IMAGE TECHNOLOGY & INTERNET BASED SYSTEMS.  The adoption of Future Internet (FI) technology, and in particular of its most challenging components like the Internet of Things (IoT) … Continue reading

Rethinking Data Protection and Privacy in Europe: Shaping the European Digital Future

In January 2015, Europe’s data industry together with the European Commission committed to invest €2.5 billion in a public-private partnership (PPP) that aims at accelerating the development of Europe’s data-driven economy. Data represents a key element for research, technological innovations … Continue reading

Creative Artist/ Coder to join a Transciplinary Dance Research Project

The Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University seeks a highly motivated creative artist/ coder to join a unique trans-disciplinary team exploring the artistic, scholarly and scientific potential of choreographic and dance-related data. The opportunity will be supported by an … Continue reading

Museum Next conference in NYC

MuseumNext is a global conference on the future of museums.  Since 2009 it has acted as a platform for showcasing best practice today to shine a light on the museum of tomorrow. MuseumNext NYC will take place on 14-15 November 2016 with … Continue reading

Heritage content: how to address the new digital challenges?

Digital content is in no comparison stronger to analog when it comes to reaching wider grounds and larger audiences. Come and discover how new digitization techniques improve the original works preservation and distribution. Experts from FeniXX, BnF (French National Library), … Continue reading

DiPP2016 Conference

The Sixth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage–DiPP2016 is organized under the UNESCO patronage and aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of digitisation, documentation, archiving, representation and preservation of global and national tangible and intangible cultural and scientific heritage. Continue reading