Topic: past events

EAGLE 2015 International Event

Use and Re-Use of Digital Cultural Heritage Assets – Interoperability, Repositories and Shared infrastructures was the fifth in a series of international events planned by EAGLE BPN. The event, organised by The Cyprus Institute, in collaboration with Heidelberg University and Sapienza, University of Rome, featured presentations and hands-on workshops regarding themes of the EAGLE project. Continue reading

E-Space IPR workshop

Speakers: Sarah Whatley (Coventry University, project’s coordinator), Charlotte Waelde (University of Exeter), Prodromos Tsiavos (Postscriptum), Frederik Temmermans, Peter Schelkens, Ann Dooms (iMinds). A workshop focused on IPR that considers content rights in a non traditional way. Rather than only focussing on different … Continue reading

Europeana Tech second international conference The second international EuropeanaTech conference was held on February 12th and 13th 2015 in Paris, France. Europeana is uniting hundreds of experts from across the EU to share knowledge and jointly shape the future of memory organisations in a networked … Continue reading

10th International Digital Curation Conference

The 10th International Digital Curation Conference was held from Monday 9 February to Thursday 12 February 2015 in London. This year’s theme was “Ten years back, ten years forward: achievements, lessons and the future for digital curation”. Continue reading

Dance & Somatic Practices Conference 2015

Ethics and Repair: Continuing Dialogues within Somatic Informed Practice and Philosophy Venue: Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry School of Art & Design, Coventry University The third international Dance and Somatic Practices Conference invites somatic practitioners, dance artists and scholars … Continue reading

IST-Africa 2015 Conference

Hosted by the Government of Malawi through the National Commission for Science and Technology, Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa 2015 will take place in Lilongwe from 05 – 08 May 2015. The scientific programme for IST-Africa 2015 is based on an open Call for Papers whose deadline is December 19th, 2014. Continue reading

The 22nd International Congress of Historical Sciences

The International Congress of Historical Science started in 1900. It is held every five years and has already been held 21 times since the original congress. Being the most influential academic activity of historical science, it enjoys a reputation of “Olympics of historians”. Continue reading

European High Level Conference on “Education in the Digital Era”

The European High Level Conference on “Education in the Digital Era”, organised by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union,took place on December 11th in Brussels. The event enabled interested stakeholders to discuss the opportunities and challenges of adapting education to a fast changing, digital society and economy, whilst shaping education’s place and priority in the EU’s sustainable growth agenda. Continue reading

Open Education: Condition Critical

Thursday November 20th 4:30-6:30pm, at Coventry University, a panel exploring opportunities to critically and creatively experiment with different ideas of what the university and education can be. Open Education: Condition Critical What for decades could only be dreamt of is now almost … Continue reading

creJAM week – online debate about technology and creative industry

From the 3rd to the 7th of November, the CRe-AM project will host an online debate with its community of technology developers and creative practitioners. Each day during the #creJAM week, we will launch a challenge or ask a question … Continue reading