Topic: past events

IRCDL 2014: X Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries

IRCDL is a yearly conference for Italian researchers on Digital Libraries related topics. The aim of IRCDL 2014 is once more to provide the opportunity to explore new ideas, techniques and tools and to exchange experiences also from on-going projects. Continue reading

Preservation and use of digital collections of photographic documents

First International Scientific and Practical Seminar  DIGITIZED HERITAGE: PRESERVATION, ACCESS, REPRESENTATION Preservation and use of digital collections of photographic documents November 25-26, 2013 State Polytechnic Museum (NTUU “KPI”) held a scientific and practical seminar, the first in a series of informational … Continue reading

Digital heritage international congress 2013

Over 13 Conferences, Symposia, Workshops and Exhibitions under one roof. In the 2013 European Capital of Culture, Marseille, this fall will have place the world’s largest gathering ever focused on Digital Heritage. A federated event of the leading scientific meetings in information technology for heritage… Continue reading

An African e-Infrastructure for Virtual Research Communities and their Applications

A joint CHAIN-REDS and eI4Africa Workshop was organised under the aegis of the European Commission and in co-location with big event UbuntuNet Connect 2013. The event took place on November 13 in Kigali, Rwanda Continue reading

Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy

This event was aimed at anyone interested in epigraphy (digital or non-digital) as well as to the establishment and diffusion of general best current practices for digital editions. It covered many aspects of digital technology applied to inscriptions, from content to management and networking. It was composed of 3 workshops (Harmonization and interoperability of Inscriptions, Translations of Inscriptions, Intellectual Property Rights) and a photographic workshop on shooting high quality images for online publication and research. Continue reading

Internet Festival 2013 Edition

For the Internet Festival, closed on 13th October, Incubator was the keyword for 2013. The organizers have already published the first official data of the event: 60 countries directly or virtually represented; more than 23.000 devices connected (smartphones, pc, tablets); … Continue reading

Europeana Photography IPR workshop in Paris

A valuable workshop organized in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography took place in Paris on 14th-15th November 2013. The workshop was one day and half including presentations and round table discussion, focusing on IPR issues related to digital content and to the … Continue reading

EGI Technical Forum 2013

The EGI Technical Forum 2013 was held in Madrid at the Meliá-Castilla Hotel & Convention Centre. The event was being organised with the support of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain, the Spanish National Research Council and Red IRIS. On 18th september was scheduled a workshop on VRC Project cases with a presentation related to DCH-RP project that it was taken by R.Vanderbroucke and A. Fresa… Continue reading