- RELEVANT NEWS from Digitalmeetsculture
- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES MediaArea.net MediaConch open source Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma

The PREFORMA project that commissioned and funded the development of veraPDF draws to an end this year. Recent activity has been focused on PREFORMA acceptance testing, formalising the decisions of the PDF Association’s Technical Working Group and fixing issues reported by the community. In this webinar, the veraPDF Consortium will present the results of recent development and the plans for life after PREFORMA. Continue reading

Julia Kim is the Digital Assets Specialist at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. So far, she has primarily used MediaConch to create reports for new and incoming born-digital video from the Civil Rights History Project and the DPX files from digitizing celluloid film. Continue reading

Digital preservation means taking precautions to ensure long-term access to digital content. It mitigates the risk of files becoming obsolete or unusable in the future. The PREFORMA tools help you validate incoming file formats and codecs against their standard specification, define custom acceptance criteria, and build an efficient ingest workflow. Download and try them from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal! Continue reading

Marion is a video archivist at the Austrian Mediathek, the Austrian video and sound archive. Her main area of work is the digitization of analogue videos and quality control of video files entering the digital archive. The main use case for MediaConch is to check if files that were produced outside of the default workflow procedure meet the policy for the archival master. Continue reading

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. This release includes new PDF information in the features report and automatic configuration of the features extractor when applying custom policy profiles. There are also a number of low level PDF fixes and improvements which are documented in the latest release notes. From September, veraPDF will make the transition from a funded project to a stand alone open source project. Continue reading

A new version of the DPF Manager has been released! There are several improvements in this update. The most significant one is the redesign of the reports section, where now it is easier (and much faster) to browse the analyzed reports, transforming between formats, and also converting a quick check to a full check. The global report has also been improved with a more visual and interactive panel. Download and try the new release on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal! Continue reading

This is the third in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Kieran O’Leary has an intership with the Irish Film Archive within the Irish Film Institute, mostly working on code, workflows, metadata, digitisation, migration, and facilitating access to collections. He is using MediaConch’s GUI to check files delivered from vendors. MediaConch automates a lot of this work via local policy creation. Continue reading

The programme of the Cultural Heritage and New technologies CHNT conference this year includes different sessions: Integrating historical maps and archaeological data using digital technologies Adding life to written sources by studying the dead New realities 3: virtual, augmented reality … Continue reading

Kathryn is Digital Collections Manager at Carnegie Hall and she develops and supports sustainable practices around the digital asset lifecycle to ensure the availability and integrity of material related to the Hall. MediaConch is part of Carnegie Hall’s pre-ingest procedures to check the quality of the vendor output against the digitization specs. Continue reading

A lot of improvements and new features have been included in the new release of the DPF Manager. The most important changes are the inclusion of a Quick Check functionality that allows to perform a fast validation of the files, improved reports which include suggestions how to fix the errors that have been found in the collections and a new metadata fix to solve ascii encodings. The new release is available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Try it! Continue reading