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Topic: preforma-documents

Deliverable D8.8 reports on monitoring of the Open Source Project implementations. Based on development efforts for each supplier, this updated deliverable (version 2.1) provides feedback on their use of: an open work practice for development; frequent open releases; and promotion … Continue reading

This deliverable presents the results of the second part of the Prototyping phase in the PREFORMA project, thereby to some extent also summarising the outcomes of this phase in its entity. The document consists of two parts: The first part … Continue reading

This deliverable is considered to be the final report on the activities related to the preparation and procedure of the design phase #2, internally also called the re-design phase. It is important to notice here already in the beginning of … Continue reading

This second release of D8.1 “Competitive Evaluation Strategy” [Agosti et al., 2014] has a twofold goal: In December 2016 there will be the final tender of the PREFORMA project which is aimed at selecting the suppliers which will participate in … Continue reading

This deliverable describes the initial version of the sustainability and exploitation plan of PREFORMA, including a preliminary impact assessment conducted through an analysis of the level of activity generated in the community, of the test cases carried out so far … Continue reading

The Experience Workshop took place Berlin on 23 November 2016, in connection with the second Prototype Demonstration. The PREFORMA partners shared their experiences of working with suppliers under R&D service agreements with other memory institutions. The morning session focused on … Continue reading

Deliverable D3.4 reports on the Open Source Workshop that was based on the availability of the first prototype on the Open Source Portal and the results of the first demonstration organised by the suppliers. The workshop was organised by the … Continue reading

Deliverable D8.8 reports on monitoring of the Open Source Project implementations. Based on development efforts for each supplier, this deliverable provides feedback on their use of: an open work practice for development; frequent open releases; and promotion activities aiming towards … Continue reading

This deliverable presents the results of the 1st part of the Prototyping phase in the PREFORMA project. It consists of four distinguishable parts. The first part (chapter 1 to 3) gives the overall context, including aims and objectives, documents particularly … Continue reading

This deliverable is considered to be the report on the activities related to the preparation and procedure of the design phase #1. This first phase of the suppliers’ work started with the design, the definition, and the specification of the … Continue reading