Cultural Mapping and Connecting with Place – summer school

Cultural mapping as a methodology and paradigm holds tremendous power to create conditions for change by bringing communities together in new ways to co-create new knowledge and understanding. At its core, cultural mapping aims to make visible the ways that … Continue reading

INCULTUM and TExTOUR join forces

Cultural tourism is about managing cultural heritage and tourism in an integrated way. It’s about working with local communities to create benefits for everyone involved, and this helps preserve tangible and intangible cultural heritage while developing tourism. It is a … Continue reading

3D reconstructions for storytelling and understanding

This webinar explored some of the ways that 3D reconstructions are being used for story telling and to aid understanding. Two speakers gave short presentations: Catherine Anne Cassidy, Open Virtual Worlds team, University of St Andrews, ‘Dissemination methods for 3D … Continue reading expands with new itineraries about the city of Bologna is based on an interactive map of the Emilia-Romagna region, which localizes precisely architectural heritage and landscapes in the area, offering significant information on the sites that have been searched and pinpointed on the map. Thanks to the collaboration … Continue reading

Vesuvius Tourism App

In March 2022, on the occasion of the next Mediterranean Tourism Exchange that is the most important b2b fair about tourism in the Mediterranean, a new digital resource will be presented to promote the area of Vesuvius and to facilitate … Continue reading

INCULTUM is part of a winter school on Digital Cultural Tourism and Diplomacy

The 2022 Winter School of the UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage, in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites, is dedicated to investigating how ICTs designed to enhance the … Continue reading

INCULTUM as part of a master course in tourism at Fondazione Campus Lucca

The master degree Progettazione e Gestione dei Sistemi Turistici Mediterranei is offered at the Fondazione Campus Lucca, a foundation participated by the Universities of Pisa, Pavia and Italian Switzerland, focused on planning and management of mediterranian tourism systems. The master … Continue reading

ECHO II: Traditions in Transition

ECHO II: Traditions in Transition is a project co-founded by Creative Europe Culture Subprogramme ‘Support for European cooperation projects’ 2020 EACEA-32-2019 – Smaller scale cooperation projects (COOP1). The Creative Europe Programme finances transnational cooperation projects, so as to help Europe’s … Continue reading

Presenting INCULTUM in workshop “Smart Governance in local municipalities”

Original text by Kamila Borseková, UMB. The international workshop on Smart Governance in local municipalities – Innovative approaches to city and municipality management was organized as a hybrid event on 23.11.2021 at the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University, … Continue reading

Interactive map accessible on the Morvan Regional Natural Park website

original text and images by BIBRACTE. As a preliminary action for the promotion of the area of Morvan, a methodology was developed and a pilot case in the village of Glux-en-Glenne was conducted to carry out the field work.  This … Continue reading