Topic: EUreka3D

EUreka3D at GeoDPA2024

image courtesy of CUT. EUreka3D will be presented with a Poster at the GeoDPA2024 Conference in Germany organised by DLR Germany 24-25th of April 2024. In this conference, partner CUT Cyprus University of Technology is presenting the results of a cooperation … Continue reading

Survey on 3D Repositories for Cultural Heritage

The Time Machine Organisation in collaboration with the Europeana Initiative have developed a survey seeking to better understand the existing landscape of digital European data infrastructures facilitating the storage of 3D cultural heritage datasets/digital objects. The questions address various topics … Continue reading

Village in Cyprus goes digital to promote its cultural heritage

The UNESCO Chair on Digital Cultural Heritage at Cyprus University of Technology, one of the key partners the EUreka3D project, has officially handed over an online platform dedicated to the holistic digitisation of Fikardou village to its community. A post … Continue reading

part I – Paradata, Metadata and Data for 3D acquisition in cultural heritage

This webinar in two parts brought together professionals from the spectrum of Digital Cultural Heritage practice to share their experiences of using and working with paradata seeking to lay down a common understanding of paradata as a first step towards … Continue reading

EUreka3D at INCULTUM International conference

The INCULTUM project is approaching the conclusion of the EU funding period. A final event is planned to take place on 12 April, 2024 in Guadix, Andalusia, organised by the project’s coordinator UGR hosted by ENTURNA Escuela Internacional de Turismo … Continue reading

Seminar on Archives and Tourism

The City Council of Lloret de Mar, the Diputació de Girona and the Generalitat de Catalunya are promoting the realization in Lloret de Mar of a biennial seminar on “Archives and Tourism”, which should facilitate bringing the history of tourism … Continue reading

INCULTUM International conference

The INCULTUM project is approaching the conclusion of the EU funding period. A final event is planned to take place on 12 April, 2024 in Guadix, Andalusia, organised by the project’s coordinator UGR hosted by ENTURNA Escuela Internacional de Turismo … Continue reading

INCULTUM Guidelines on the use of European Structural and Investment Funds

The INCULTUM project focuses on promoting cultural tourism in Europe’s peripheral regions, leveraging European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). These Guidelines analyze the experiences of INCULTUM pilots with ESIF, providing insights into their application, management, and impact on cultural heritage … Continue reading