Topic: EUreka3D

Digital Hermeneutics II: Sources, Analysis, Interpretation, Annotation, and Curation

CALL FOR PAPERS Digitization has reached almost all areas of science and scholarship. And even in the cultural sciences and humanities, computers, databases and digital tools are increasingly important. Last year‘s annual conference „Digital Hermeneutics: Machines, Procedures, Meaning“ of the … Continue reading

EOSC Symposium 2023, the European Open Science Cloud annual event

From 20-22 September 2023, the EOSC Symposium will take place in Madrid, in the context of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The EOSC Symposium is organised by the EOSC Future project, together with the EOSC Tripartite collaboration (the EOSC Association, the EOSC … Continue reading

EUreka3D established a cooperation agreement with Archéosciences Bordeaux

Archéosciences Bordeaux is a research laboratory part of the Université Bordeaux Montaigne, and is focused on the chronology of human settlements, the circulation of materials and ancient techniques, and imaging applied to heritage. The laboratory also collaborates with Bibracte, one … Continue reading

EUreka3D project: latest updates on 3D digitisation of heritage collections

all images in this post courtesy of CRDI/Ajuntament de Girona via the EUreka3D Twitter profile. The EUreka3D project coordinated by Photoconsortium has just started the action on high-quality 3D digitisation, which will make great collections of cultural heritage 3D digitised objects … Continue reading

Smashing the Silos! The Future of Cultural Heritage Information and Visualization

On the 9th of July, a one-day research symposium (held both online and at the Kunsthaus Graz, co-located with DH2023) was organised by to reflect on novel developments and challenges in the field of cultural heritage information and visualization. The … Continue reading

EUreka3D promotes awareness on climate change

The Europeana Initiative’s Climate Action Community recently ran a series of workshops which explored climate action, better digital information management practice and more. The aim of the workshop series was to explore key topics, share best practices and discuss the role … Continue reading

‘Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture’ launched by the European Commission and Europeana Initiative

The  European Commission and the Europeana Initiative are proud to launch ‘Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture’. Twin it! is a campaign under the auspices of the Swedish and Spanish Presidencies of the Council of the EU, culminating during the … Continue reading

EUreka3D presented at Commission Expert Group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage

The 4th Meeting of the Commission Expert Group on the common European Data Space for Cultural Heritage is taking place online on Tuesday 4 and Wednesday 5 July 2023. The first day includes a session dedicated to the projects financed … Continue reading

Photogrammetry for archaeology, a research at Bibracte

While photogrammetry has numerous diverse applications, its usage in archaeology has become standardized in the majority of cases. The main objective is to replace traditional archaeological surveys in plan, section, and elevation with the production of ortho-images, known as orthomosaics. … Continue reading

EUreka3D supports ‘Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture’ campaign on 3D collections of cultural heritage

 TWIN IT! 3D FOR EUROPE’S CULTURE from Europeana on Vimeo. Joining the effort of creating and sharing more 3D digitized collections of heritage in Europe, EUreka3D is happy to promote the new campaign ‘Twin it! 3D for Europe’s culture’, … Continue reading