Topic: EUreka3D

How the EUreka3D project supports 3D in the data space for cultural heritage – a new blog post on Europeana

  3D technologies offer opportunities to broaden access to culture, preserve our shared cultural heritage and spur creativity and innovation. In support of the Twin It! 3D for Europe’s culture campaign, the EUreka3D project tells us how they are supporting … Continue reading

Bibracte, a 2000-year-old town under a forest

As part of the EUreka3D project, a blogpost authored by Agathe Le Riche-Maugis and collegues from Bibracte was recently published on Europeana. The blogpost shocases the history of Bibracte, an archaeological site in the French region discovered in the 19th century and brought back … Continue reading

EUreka3D Advisory Board

The EUreka3D Advisory Board is a consultative body formed by experts representing cultural institutions, cultural heritage research teams and international organisations. It advises the project, provides feedback on its activities, and liaises it with the cultural heritage and research community. … Continue reading

EUreka3D training at Bibracte

In November 2023, as part of the training “Raw materials to sources, from the archaeological object” organized by the Resource Center for Artistic and Cultural Education (Préac) Archaeological heritage, Bibracte hosted a workshop on digitisation and aggregation to Europeana. Within the context of … Continue reading

EUreka3D: Implementing a Data Hub and services in the Data Space for Cultural Heritage

To create 3D models of cultural heritage collections is a new challenge for Cultural Institutions. However, the next steps after digitisation also pose challenges about storage, visualisation and preservation of such 3D models and their accompanying information. What are the … Continue reading

Blogpost: IIIF for 3D, making web interoperability multi-dimensional

img. Semantic Kompakkt presentation interface featuring a 3D model and multimedia annotations. Institution:Open Science Lab, TIB – CC BY. Image sourced from Europeana Pro blog. 3D technologies offer opportunities to broaden access to culture, preserve our shared cultural heritage and … Continue reading

Optical views: a way to travel through Europe – a new blogpost on Europeana

img. from Europeana website As part of the EUreka3D project, a blogpost authored by Helena Nogué (CRDI – Ajuntament de Girona) was recently published on Europeana. The blogpost showcases how optical views were used in 18th and early 19th century … Continue reading

EUreka3D presented in the Fall edition of Europeana Aggregators Forum 2023

The Europeana ecosystem and network of Aggregators and partners met for the second edtion of 2023 Europeana Aggregators Forum, held as an hybrid event in Budapest and online. In this occasion updates on EUreka3D development were presented to colleague institutions, … Continue reading

EUreka3D impact assessment, supported with the Europeana Impact Playbook

all images in this post courtesy of Europeana. In the committments of EUreka3D project, that is focused on supporting the digital transformation process in the cultural heritage sector, a major task is about reflecting on the impact and the increased … Continue reading

Transforming heritage: from 2D to 3D digitisation – webinar series

International Council on Archives and EUreka3D consortium organise a series of webinars on 3D digitisation and digital transformation of cultural heritage. The three sessions focus on the quality guidelines for cultural heritage digitisation, the use of 3D digitisation for cultural … Continue reading