Topic: riches other

Vacancies at C-DaRE: apply within 30 June 2015!

C-DaRE (Centre for Dance Research at Coventry University) is seeking highly motivated individuals, able to contribute to one or more of its research strands at the following levels: Professor, Senior Research Fellow, Research Assistant, Operations Manager. Closing dates for all posts: 30th June 2015 Continue reading

Museums as Cultural, Urban, Creative and Learning Interface

  When: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 9:00 – 17:30 Where: Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers du Patrimoine (I2MP), 201 quai du Port 13002 Marseille What: Seminar on Technology in the Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage, entitled Museums as Cultural, Urban, Creative … Continue reading

Scénographies de l’éclat, by Montel and Fischnaller

Did ancient statues living in the traditional museums lose their radiance and divine feature? New technologies, combining 3D imagery and multisensory visitor experience, enable to recreate within an innovative space the ancient splendour of the Greek plastic. Sophie Montel recognises … Continue reading

Summer school on ICT to promote sustainable tourism

In partnership with the University of Milano Bicocca and under the patronage of EXPO Milan 2015, UNESCO Chair in ICT to develop and promote sustainable tourism in World Heritage Sites organises the Summer School 2015 on ICT to develop sustainable tourism, being held at Milano Bicocca from 24 August to 4September 2015. Italian land, development of the related resources in a responsible way and ICT will be central themes of the discussion. Continue reading

Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) @ IUI Conference

Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015)  @ IUI Conference call for papers deadline January 16th 2015 8th International Workshop on Personalized Access to Cultural Heritage (PATCH 2015) is co-located with the ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2015 Conference in … Continue reading

Future Everything’s XX anniversary

FutureEverything celebrated its 20th anniversary. For the last two decades the festival has brought people together to imagine, shape and question the vision of a truly participatory society. A belief in the emancipatory and creative potential of new technologies runs throughout digital culture. It is found both in the open source community and in the rhetoric of Silicon Valley start-ups. In recent years, the contradictions in this vision have come to the surface. The digital age has brought a collision of positives and negatives. This year was an ideal opportunity for FutureEverything to hit pause on its headlong rush into the future, to reflect on the consequences of the past decades and the prospects for the decades to come. Continue reading

“Ricordi dai nostri album di famiglia”, All Our Yesterdays once again in Pisa

Next to the big archives which hold thousands and thousands of early photography items, a large part of this particular kind of cultural heritage is also widespread in the vintage photo-albums held in any family. Here we can find precious evidences of our grandfathers’ lifestyle, thanks to which we are able to retrace the memory of our territory. Continue reading

Dance & Somatic Practices Conference 2015

Ethics and Repair: Continuing Dialogues within Somatic Informed Practice and Philosophy Venue: Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry School of Art & Design, Coventry University The third international Dance and Somatic Practices Conference invites somatic practitioners, dance artists and scholars … Continue reading

“Shaping Europe”: Europeana 1914-1918 and Europeana 1989

WW1 and the fall of the Iron Curtain, two events that shaped the Europe we know today to be commemorated at the European Parliament in unique style. A family history roadshow, digitising personal memorabilia of MEPs for these two seminal periods of European history, is taking place in the Parliament. During the event, a Twitter campaign will highlight some of the most interesting stories of this historical period. Continue reading

IST-Africa 2015 Conference

Hosted by the Government of Malawi through the National Commission for Science and Technology, Supported by the European Commission and African Union Commission, IST-Africa 2015 will take place in Lilongwe from 05 – 08 May 2015. The scientific programme for IST-Africa 2015 is based on an open Call for Papers whose deadline is December 19th, 2014. Continue reading