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- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- REACH-CULTURE POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- #participateinculture 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage Best Practices Budapest call for papers Charles University citizen participation civic engagement Conference and events conferences and events Coventry University cultural heritage cultural participation digital preservation Eötvös Loránd University EU projects Europa Nostra European citizens European Commission European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 EYCH H2020 Horizon 2020 innovation Institutional Heritage Pilot MEMOLA project MEMOLab Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico minority heritage Minority Heritage Pilot Open-Heritage Platform participatory approaches participatory approaches to cultural heritage Prague preservation Promoter SRL Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation REACH project resilience Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe Roma Roma cultural heritage rural heritage Rural Heritage Pilot Small Towns Heritage Pilot sustainable development UNESCO University of Granada urban heritage workshop
Topic: Reach-culture

One year after the “Horizons for Heritage Research” Symposium held in Brussels in March 2019, under the aegis of the European Commission, the REACH project planned to continue the discussion about the need a permanent coordination structure of the cultural … Continue reading

DANUrB is a new EU funded project started on July 2020 and leaded by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics of Budapest. It involves 17 Partners coming from 6 East European Countries: Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Croatia and Serbia. … Continue reading

img.: the Europeana XX Thematic Collection in Europeana. EU funded Europeana XX: Century of Change project celebrates today the launch of a new Europeana Thematic Collection: a dedicated area in the Europeana portal to showcase special cultural heritage collections and … Continue reading

The CIDOC Conference 2020 in will address an important societal theme that cannot be ignored nowadays: digital transformation in cultural heritage institutions. The use of digital technology, though marginal at first, has gradually reshaped documentation practices and transformed almost all aspects … Continue reading

This first edition of the SOPHIA project Newsletter “Cultural Heritage and Impact Assessment” provides a general overview of the mission and challenges of the social platform. It invites to reflect on the importance to assess and evaluate projects dealing with … Continue reading

OpenHeritage launched a series of online interactive workshops focusing on key aspects of adaptive heritage reuse. The project, which full title is “OpenHeritage: Organizing, Promoting and ENabling HEritage Reuse through Inclusion, Technology, Access, Governance and Empowerment”, focuses on the creation … Continue reading

A very intense period for the REACH project the one between the end of October and the beginning of November: 2 on line events provided the occasion to present the results of the REACH project activities and to increase its … Continue reading

In the framework of the storytelling session of Euromed 2020 conference, the social platform of the REACH project will leave its contribution presenting a short speech titled “The Reach Project Contribution to Protecting, Preserving and Valuing Tangible and Intangible Heritage … Continue reading

Today, place-based mainstream innovation policies in the EU are by large the so-called Research and Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3 or S3 in acronym), which are promoted as an ex-ante conditionality for member states to get access to the … Continue reading

This unique webinar organized by Photoconsortium in collaboration with Europeana and the Cyprus University of Technology was proposed in the contex of the EUROMED 2020 webconference. A capacity building workshop dedicated to Cultural Heritage Institutions looking at new opportunities offered … Continue reading