- RELEVANT NEWS from Digitalmeetsculture
- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
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- #participateinculture 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage Berlin Best Practices Budapest call for papers Charles University citizen participation civic engagement Conference and events conferences and events Coventry University cultural heritage cultural participation Cyprus University of Technology digital preservation Eötvös Loránd University EU projects Europa Nostra European citizens European Commission European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 EYCH H2020 Horizon 2020 innovation Institutional Heritage Pilot MEMOLA project MEMOLab Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico minority heritage Minority Heritage Pilot participatory approaches participatory approaches to cultural heritage Prague preservation Promoter SRL Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation REACH project resilience Resilient Cultural Heritage and Communities in Europe Roma rural heritage Rural Heritage Pilot Small Towns Heritage Pilot sustainable development UNESCO University of Granada urban heritage workshop
Topic: Reach-culture

ARCH is an European funded project led by Fraunhofer Institute for Intelligent Analysis and Information Systems IAIS (Germany) with participation of four European municipalities (Bratislava, Camerino, Hamburg, Valencia), research scientists, city network ICLEI and standardisation organisation DIN. Its purpose is … Continue reading

The 7th February will take place in Paris the first meeting to kick off all activities of the new EU project UNCHARTED. This is a four years project Coordinated by the University of Barcelona, focused on the valuation practices of … Continue reading

The Canada Research Chair in Urban Heritage of Université du Québec à Montréal, in collaboration with the Association québécoise pour le patrimoine industriel (Quebec association for industrial heritage) and with the support of Tourisme Montréal, will be hosting the 2021 … Continue reading

The University of Rijeka, one of the largest and the most cosmopolitan city in the country, concurrently the 2020 European Capital of Culture, is pleased to welcome you to this three-day HERItage conference organized under the auspices of the Ministry … Continue reading

The past 14th January, KIK-IRPA, the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, presented “Further works by Jan Van Eyck”, the new version of “Closer to Van Eyck”, the online portal entirely dedicated to the prestigious painter of the 15th century. The … Continue reading

Photoconsortium, REACH project Associate Partner, in the framework of its activity for the promotion of citizen engagement in culture and preservation of societal memory, is happy to share with the REACH community these glowing events which represent the final milestones … Continue reading

sargetia.ro offers the possibility to visit and learn about Romanian cultural sites and historical monuments by the use of 3D technology and Virtual Reality. The platform is part of a wide promotional campaign set up by virtual museums aiming to … Continue reading

This call is addressed to researchers, practitioners, professionals, citizens and in general to the representatives from the cultural heritage sector who are interested in promoting the value of cultural heritage and in supporting its public recognition. REACH Final Conference “Designing … Continue reading

The CultureMoves research team of the C-DaRE center of Coventry University – Sarah Whatley, Rosa Cisneros and Marie-Louise Crawley – participated in the ‘Moving Culture: Tourism, Dance and Digital Storytelling’, organised by the Culture Moves project in Pisa. Key stakeholders from … Continue reading

What’s an open-air museum? What is it for? How can it be preserved? Open-air museums are the faithful reconstruction of medieval villages. Starting from the discovery of (pre)history archaeological sites and architectural sources, experts and professionals are able to recreate … Continue reading