Topic: Reach-culture

REACH project at the Closing Conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

The closing conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage took place in Vienna, hosted by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. It started in the morning of the 6th and lasted … Continue reading

Daring participation! The REACH project workshop on Institutional Heritage is just started!

Four international workshops on different aspects of participation will be held in the frame of REACH. The first one is being  running  right now in Berlin. During the two days event around 20-25  experts will meet and discuss many aspects … Continue reading

REACH at the Fair of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage

The Fair  of European Innovators in Cultural Heritage was a key event of 2018 European Year of Cultural Heritage. The Fair focused on innovation and innovators, showcased the latest innovations in cultural heritage, discussing how innovation and creativity can benefit … Continue reading

Moving towards Smart Cities: Tackling Urban Challenges Using Technology-Based Solutions

Sustainable development of urban areas is a key challenge. The on-going process of urbanisation is only expected to further increase in the future, raising new environmental and human challenges. Currently, 74% of the European Union’s population lives in cities, as … Continue reading

REACH project at the CHCD – International Symposium on Cultural Heritage Conservation and Digitization

Organized by THID Tsinghua Heritage Institution for Digitalization , this biannual event had attracted so far foreign experts from over 30 countries and regions promoting a tradition of international collaboration and exchange on the theme of cultural heritage, digital technologies, … Continue reading

Get involve in Culture Moves project! Art, dance and touristic engagement

Culture Moves and the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE)of Coventry University have organised a series of events addressed to dance artists and learners interested in finding new way of touristic and community engagement. The first of these meetings titled “Coffee … Continue reading

Strategies and opportunities for cultural heritage in the European Research Area

The seminar is organised in the framework of the European Year of Cultural heritage and aims to: • Present and analyze the opportunities and benefits offered by the participation to European research programs. • Give visibility to research and innovation … Continue reading

Heritage Evenings

Yesterday evening at 18,00 was held the  “Heritage-Evenings” event,  organized by ELTE BTK Atelier Európai Társadalomtudomány és Historiográfia Tanszék. During this joint Heritage evening, the representatives of the two  H2020 projects, REACH and Open Heritage, introduced and discuss the differences … Continue reading

International Workshop: Digital History and Public History

The meeting, held last 29th October at the University of Alicante, represented a good occasion for All those involved in the promotion an preservation of Cultural Heritage in order to introduce the projects they are currently carry on and debate … Continue reading

Where the researcher cannot get: open platforms to collaborate with citizens on cultural heritage research data

Last week, the Editorial of the University of Granada (UGR) and Downhill Publishing have published a book about Digital Humanities, titled “Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades Digitales Aplicadas.Casos de estudio y perspectivas críticas”.(Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Applied. Case studies and … Continue reading