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- 2 hours workshop to discuss about citizen science in (digital) cultural heritage and education, also including a special co-creation activitythe Study report provides a review and analysis of practices in higher education that involved citizen to participate in cultural heritage research
Topic: europeforculture other

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, is a project about the involvement of citizens in cultural heritage as a booster for sustainable university research and higher education. The starting point for the project’s activities and reflections … Continue reading

PRESS RELEASE – 14th December 2020 Today, the Commission has welcomed the political agreement reached between the European Parliament and EU Member States on the new Creative Europe programme (2021‑2027). Trilogue negotiations have now concluded, pending the final approval of … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, is a project about the involvement of citizens in cultural heritage as a booster for sustainable university research and higher education. The starting point for the project’s activities and reflection … Continue reading

Webinar in cooperation with the European Commission and part of the European Framework for Action on Cultural Heritage What is the issue? The direct and indirect impacts of culture on local development are largely achieved through cultural participation and access … Continue reading

CitizenHeritage, funded within the Erasmus+ programme of European Commission, takes the Citizen Science approach to the world of cultural heritage, where the digital realm creates new opportunities to reach out to broader audiences and facilitate community building. The project encourages … Continue reading

img.: the Europeana XX Thematic Collection in Europeana. EU funded Europeana XX: Century of Change project celebrates today the launch of a new Europeana Thematic Collection: a dedicated area in the Europeana portal to showcase special cultural heritage collections and … Continue reading

This unique webinar organized by Photoconsortium in collaboration with Europeana and the Cyprus University of Technology was proposed in the contex of the EUROMED 2020 webconference. A capacity building workshop dedicated to Cultural Heritage Institutions looking at new opportunities offered … Continue reading

2020 is not the year we thought it was going to be. A global pandemic has changed our day-to-day lives. The Covid crisis has brought home how connected our lives are across the globe, while the injustices and societal inequalities … Continue reading

Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth will kickstart the discussion on the future of the Cultural and Creative Industries (CCI) post-Covid with an opening speech at the Cities, Design and Innovation conference, hosted by the … Continue reading

The newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage are announcing the International Web-Conference EuroMed 2020 dedicated to Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and Protection This unique conference is in cooperation with the European Parliament, the … Continue reading